Implementing Comprehensive Security Logging in GCP with Terraform

Aaron L
4 min readSep 28, 2024

The Wrapper

Andd were back! Going to be doing these Terraform GCP Security posts for a hot minute.

Today is about collecting logs, but its not just about well collecting logs; it’s about ensuring you’re capturing the right data, storing it securely, and making it readily available for analysis. This post will jump into implementing a comprehensive(comprehensive may be a stretch for an Enterprise) security logging system in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using Terraform.

Our Logging Architecture

We’ll set up the following components:
1. Cloud Audit Logs for capturing all admin activities
2. VPC Flow Logs for network traffic analysis
3. A dedicated logging project for centralized log management
4. Log sinks to export logs to Cloud Storage and BigQuery
5. Log-based metrics for real-time alerting

ahh yes the old roadmap, my pride and joy

Let’s dive into the Terraform code that makes the magic happen.

Step 1: Setting Up the Logging Project

First, we’ll create a dedicated project for our logs:

resource "google_project" "logging_project" {
name = "centralized-logging"
project_id = "centralized-logging-${random_id.project_id.hex}"
org_id = var.organization_id
billing_account = var.billing_account
resource "random_id" "project_id" {
byte_length = 4

Why a dedicated project JUST for logging? See these docs:

Google Logging Docs , still unsure? Essentially, centralizing management and removing conflict of interest/management overhead.

Step 2: Enabling Cloud Audit Logs

Now, let’s ensure Cloud Audit Logs are enabled for all services:

resource "google_project_iam_audit_config" "audit_config" {
project = google_project.logging_project.project_id
service = "allServices"
audit_log_config {
log_type = "ADMIN_READ"
audit_log_config {
log_type = "DATA_WRITE"
audit_log_config {
log_type = "DATA_READ"

Step 3: Setting Up VPC Flow Logs

For network traffic analysis, we’ll enable VPC Flow Logs:

resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnet_with_logging" {
name = "logging-subnet"
ip_cidr_range = ""
region = "us-central1"
network =
project = google_project.logging_project.project_id
log_config {
aggregation_interval = "INTERVAL_5_SEC"
flow_sampling = 0.5
resource "google_compute_network" "vpc_network" {
name = "logging-network"
auto_create_subnetworks = false
project = google_project.logging_project.project_id

Step 4: Creating Log Sinks

We’ll create log sinks to export our logs to both Cloud Storage (for long-term retention) and BigQuery (for analysis) IF you are doing this in a real enterprise you may want to look to your SOAR or SIEM team and see where you can integrate into the Enterprise solution:

resource "google_storage_bucket" "log_bucket" {
name = "centralized-logs-${random_id.project_id.hex}"
location = "US"
project = google_project.logging_project.project_id

resource "google_bigquery_dataset" "logs_dataset" {
dataset_id = "security_logs"
description = "Dataset for security logs"
location = "US"
project = google_project.logging_project.project_id

resource "google_logging_project_sink" "storage_sink" {
name = "storage-sink"
destination = "${}"
filter = "logName:( OR"

unique_writer_identity = true
project = google_project.logging_project.project_id

resource "google_logging_project_sink" "bigquery_sink" {
name = "bigquery-sink"
destination = "${google_project.logging_project.project_id}/datasets/${google_bigquery_dataset.logs_dataset.dataset_id}"
filter = "logName:( OR"

unique_writer_identity = true
project = google_project.logging_project.project_id

Step 5: Setting Up Log-Based Metrics

Finally, let’s set up some log-based metrics for real-time alerting. The below gives us a few different Suspicious events to setup based on incoming log metrics. This really is an example and heavy customization for your own organizations TTPs should be considered here.

Don’t know what TTP’s are? I’ll just leave this here for you:

Alright back to our Examples!

resource "google_logging_metric" "suspicious_activity_metric" {
name = "suspicious-activity"
filter = "resource.type=\"gce_instance\" AND jsonPayload.event_subtype=\"vm_login\" AND jsonPayload.event_type=\"audit_log\" AND jsonPayload.method_name=\"\""
metric_descriptor {
metric_kind = "DELTA"
value_type = "INT64"
unit = "1"
project = google_project.logging_project.project_id
resource "google_monitoring_alert_policy" "suspicious_activity_alert" {
display_name = "Suspicious Activity Alert"
combiner = "OR"
conditions {
display_name = "Suspicious VM Start"
condition_threshold {
filter = "metric.type=\"${}\" resource.type=\"gce_instance\""
duration = "0s"
comparison = "COMPARISON_GT"
threshold_value = 0
notification_channels = []
project = google_project.logging_project.project_id
resource "google_monitoring_notification_channel" "email" {
display_name = "Email Notification Channel"
type = "email"
labels = {
email_address = ""
project = google_project.logging_project.project_id

Putting It All Together

This Terraform configuration sets up a comprehensive logging system that:

  1. Centralizes logs in a single project for, more abstraction and centralized management!
    2. Captures audit logs and network VPC logs ( performance logs what are those?)
    3. Exports said logs to both Cloud Storage and BigQuery ( you can setup exports using Pub/Sub models here to external programs, Splunk, Azure Sentinel, Grafana whatever you need!)
    4. Sets up real-time alerting for suspicious activities

Building this out in Terraform let’s you manage this state externally, you want to add more log types? Custom Log filters? Different sinks? Well now its all in Terraform, you’re not just collecting logs and staring at a stream of alerts or filling a bucket — you’re building a Secure monitoring infrastructure.

Whats our Usability when all said and done in GCP?

- We can, conduct forensic investigations on historical data
- Perform real-time threat detection
- Meet compliance requirements for log retention ( with more work of course)
- Analyze traffic patterns for anomaly detection

Stay vigilant, and happy securing!

Aaron L
Aaron L

Written by Aaron L

Security Architecture & Engineering

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