The move toward cognitive intelligence.

Danjuma Aaron
4 min readAug 13, 2021


Epik Protocol is an emerging DeFi knowledge graph platform, with the aim to improve how humans interact with artificial intelligence, enhancing the functionality of AI artificial intelligence when in service, ranging from Recognition, Perception, Calculation and Consciousness.


One of the key area Epik Protocol aim on improving is the aspect of perception.

in our lives today,so many functioning knowledge graph network has failed to tackle the aspect of perception, ranging from facial recognition, text recognition and voice recognition,in a scenario whereby identifying human voices and texts becomes so difficult,for the system to carry out which may results in lost of stored files within the system.

EpiK Protocol provides a decentralized knowledge graph platform, with an effective AI knowledge mechanism to enhance artificial intelligence perception.


Calculation is an important aspect of life, everything that we do on a daily basis works by we calculating how to run them.

Calculation is another area Epik Protocol aim to improve, enabling artificial intelligence know and calculate the exact amount of data artificial intelligence stores and calculate intensively the exact amount of data that will be going out of the system.


Self consciousness is one of the major factor affecting artificial intelligence,in so many past and present occasions, so many existing knowledge graph network has failed to tackle the issue of consciousness, whereby after performing some few tasks, system will find it so hard to respond to activities when need be. One of the basic area Epik Protocol is focusing on enhancing as well is making sure artificial intelligence functions properly no matter what situation it encounters.


Improving knowledge dual interface and decision intelligence.

Enabling artificial intelligence to identify each decision being made within the system and as to be able to carry them out accordingly without any loopholes.

Three core contributors on Epik Protocol;

  • Domain Experts.
  • Bounty Hunters.
  • Knowledge Node.
  • Knowledge Gateway.

How to become a Domain Expert.

To join Epik Protocol domain expert;

  • you must have relative knowledge in hosting a domain.
  • Be responsible for the quality of the processed domain knowledge graph data and to be supervised by the global communities.
  • Must be able to give a self introduction Public,so as to gain real time trust from Epik Protocol Global community.

Bounty Hunters

This is a big seamless collaboration section,that connects millions of people across the globe,a platform that enables people to contribute their knowledge to the knowledge mainland app and earn rewards from it.

Knowledge Node.

Knowledge Nodes on Epik Protocol are incharge for ensuring a smooth run of the Epik ecosystem.

Minimal requirements how to join Knowledge Node;

macOS or Linux installed. Windows is supported with wsl2.
8-core CPU and 16 GiB RAM. Models with support for Intel SHA Extensions (AMD since Zen microarchitecture, or Intel since Ice Lake) will significantly speed things up.
Enough space to store the current EpiK chain (preferably on an 250G SSD and 3T HDD storage medium).

To set-up Node.

Building EpiK requires some system dependencies, usually provided by your distribution.

  • windows 10

Install ubuntu 18.04 LTS for Windows First.(
Operate the same as ubuntu.

  • Ubuntu/Debian

sudo apt install mesa-opencl-icd ocl-icd-opencl-dev gcc git bzr jq pkg-config curl clang build-essential hwloc libhwloc-dev wget -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

  • Amazon Linux 2
    sudo yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject
  • macOS

XCode Command Line Tools

EpiK requires that XCode CLI tools be installed before building the EpiK binaries.

Check if you already have the tools.

Knowledge Gateway

Knowledge gateway are incharge of voting in and decision making within Epik Protocol ecosystem.

  • Epik knowledge graph binlog replayers.

How to join the Epik Knowledge gateway;

  1. JDK1.8
    Install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel for you OS. set JAVA_HOME environment variable. and add $JAVA_HOME/bin to your PATH.
  1. Maven3.6+
    Install apache Maven, make M2_HOME environment variable point to it, and add $M2_HOME/bin to your PATH.

3. Hadoop 3.2.2
Setup a pseudo-distributed hadoop cluster. Or full-distributed if you have spare resources. Make HADOOP_HOME environment variable point to where you extracted tar.gz files, and add $HADOOP_HOME/bin and $HADOOP_HOME/sbin to your PATH.
Start hdfs and yarn services.

4.Spark 3.0.1
Since we use spark-on-yarn as our distributed computing engine, and use a custom version of Hadoop 3.2.2, we need to build spark from source.
curl -o spark-3.0.1.tar.gz
tar zxvf spark-3.0.1.tar.gz
cd spark-3.0.1
./dev/ --name epik --

When done, extract spark-3.0.1-bin-epik-spark-3.0.1.tgz, make environment variable SPARK_HOME point to it, and add $SPARK_HOME/bin to your PATH.

5. sbt
Install scala build tool sbt, need it when building epik-gateway-binlog-encoder spark job.

tar zxvf sbt-1.4.8.tgz -C /opt/
ln -s /opt/sbt-1.4.8 /opt/sbt
export SBT_HOME=/opt/sbt
export PATH=$SBT_HOME/bin:$PATH









Danjuma Aaron

Crypto Enthusiast || Content Creator || Marketer || Business Strategist.