Abdikarin Aden
2 min readOct 29, 2023

The Turkish flag, also known as the “Star and Crescent,” is the official flag of Turkey. It consists of a red background with a white crescent moon and a star. This flag is a significant national symbol and represents the country’s independence and sovereignty. The flag’s colors and symbols have specific meanings:

1. Red Background: The red color symbolizes various values such as valor, courage, and the sacrifices made for the nation’s freedom and independence. It represents the bloodshed by those who fought for Turkey’s sovereignty.

2. White Crescent Moon: The white crescent moon is a symbol commonly associated with Islam, and Turkey, with its predominantly Muslim population, incorporates this symbol to reflect its cultural and religious heritage. Additionally, the crescent moon represents the continuous growth and ascent of the nation, akin to the moon’s phases.

3. Five Stars: The five stars featured on the flag represent the five foundational principles of the Turkish Republic. These principles were established by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey. The principles are as follows:

a. Republic: The first star symbolizes the principle of republicanism, indicating that Turkey is a democratic and republican state. b. Nationalism: The second star represents nationalism and the idea of unity among the Turkish people. c. Laicism: The third star signifies secularism, emphasizing the separation of religion from the state. d. Populism: The fourth star stands for populism, indicating that the state should serve the interests of the people. e. Statism: The fifth star symbolizes statism, highlighting the role of the state in the country’s development and welfare.


The Turkish flag is a powerful and unifying symbol that represents the unity and sovereignty of the Turkish nation. It was officially adopted on May 29, 1936. The flag is proudly displayed at government buildings, schools, military institutions, and various public events in Turkey. It is an integral part of national identity and is celebrated on special occasions with flag-raising ceremonies and parades.

Abdikarin Aden

I am a young Somali Man, I hold Double bachelor’s degree Public Administration University of Somali UNISO And Business Administration from Mogadishu University