A Quadruple Murder in Oklahoma Shocks Nation

Abigail Coombs
2 min readOct 20, 2022


Four friends went missing Sunday night, by Tuesday morning the police were searching, Friday their bodies were found.

In Okmulgee, Okla., on Oct. 9, Mark Chastain, 32; Billy Chastain, 30; Mike Sparks, 32, and Alex Stevens, 29, left Billy Chastain’s house on bikes and never returned. The Okmulgee Police Cheif Joe Prentice said the crew planned to commit a criminal act. Information was supplied by a witness who was invited to go with the four men. The witness stated they were going to “hit a lick, big enough for all of them.”

When the four men did not return home, a spouse contacted police Monday night, a few hours later Alex Stevens mother also reported him missing.

On Friday, Oct. 14, Okmulgee Police recovered the four bodies from the deep fork river. The bodies were dismembered before being taken to the river, gun shots were believed to be the cause of death.

Joseph Lloyd Kennedy owns the salvage yard that the victims phones last pinged at and when searched, evidence of blood was found. In recent events Joseph Kennedy was arrested in Daytona Beach Shores, Florida, after being found with a stolen vehicle from Okmulgee, Okla.

Below are some tweets from social media.



Abigail Coombs

Senior at SOU graduating in December with an Emerging Media and Digital Arts degree.