I’ve known I wanted to be an author since around the age of 5, when I first realized that books had authors. While most of my aspirations focus on fiction, I did a fair amount of academic and technical writing on my journey through school and a first career as a Big Tech programmer.

Through many philosophical conversations with colleagues and church friends, I also realized that I like explaining and discussing. Some might call it debating, but it’s not the kind of debate where one side is necessarily wrong—it’s the exploration of pros and cons, benefits and drawbacks, and the law of unintended consequences.

My journey also included a 180° turn from Republican to Democrat, which happened at first without my noticing, and sharing what changed is the goal of Bleeding Heart Liberal. Politics rarely lends itself to a single conversation, so my hope is that seeing each piece will give a deeper insight into the whole.

Medium member since January 2021
Abigail Welborn

Abigail Welborn

Writer, programmer, evangelical, Democrat. I dream big, but I seek real solutions.