Tears from Heaven~

Abigail Capek
2 min readJun 18, 2016


I often wonder why it is that tears are portrayed as a sign of weakness; especially for and to men. Tears are a beautiful function of the body that is awe inspiring. But to watch as someone you love sheds tears it makes you become very emotional and start to think and ask your self, “why are they crying.” I saw this quote a while ago and it is so so so so true. Tears are simply unspoken prayers. They are the tears of joy in a groom’s eyes as he sees his bride dressed in white, they are tears of sadness as that daddy gives his beautiful daughter away, they are tears of awe as that new mama stares in the face of her brand new baby, they are a prayer of desperation for those who have hit rock bottom, they are tears of thankfulness for God bringing restoration, and the list goes on forever. I love tears! They are the sign of people who have not emotionally shut down. They are, in my opinion, the greatest sign of humanity. I say that because the shortest verse in the Bible is, “Jesus wept.” I love watching tears of love slip down my husband’s face as we talk. It means that we have a deep level of intimacy and that what helps me choose joy.



Abigail Capek

I am a true Wisconsinite; who is a true believer. Wife to my sweet trucker hubby, Chaise, and mom to our three babies, Aiden, Kaydence and Ethan. 😊❤️💚💜💙