Is Cryptocurrency an Alternative to Volatile Fiat Money?

6 min readMay 11, 2017


What are Cryptocurrency & Fiat Money?

Cryptocurrency is virtual or digital cash that uses cryptography for protection. Cryptocurrency is hard to be faked because of this security highlight. A characterizing feature of cryptocurrency and ostensibly its most charming appeal is its organic nature; it is not issued by any authority, rendering it hypothetically insusceptible of government interference and control.

Fiat cash, on the other hand, is the money that a government has proclaimed to be legal tender. However, it is not backed by a physical commodity. The value of fiat cash comes from the connection amongst free market activity, i.e. demand and supply, as opposed to the value of the material that the money is made from. Most currencies depend on physical items, for example, gold or silver, however, fiat cash is based exclusively in the light of the confidence and credit of the economy.

Why is Cryptocurrency an Alternative to Fiat Money?

Cryptocurrency makes it less demanding to transfer funds between two parties in a transaction. These transfers are enabled through the use of public and private keys for security purposes. These fund transfers are done with minimal processing fees, leaving users to avoid the outrageous fees charged by almost all banks and financial institutes for wire transfers.

Fundamental to the genius of Bitcoin is the block chain it utilizes to keep an online record of a considerable number of exchanges that have been conducted using bitcoins, providing an info structure for this record that is disclosed to a limited threat from hackers and can be copied across all PCs running Bitcoin software. Many experts consider this block chain as having significant uses in technologies such as online voting and crowdfunding, and major financial establishments such as JP Morgan Chase see potential in cryptocurrency to lower transaction prices by making payment processing more efficient.

It has been mentioned in the past that after every few years the world goes under severe fiscal crisis. The financial history is filled with these stories where due to one mistake, the whole economic cycle went under a vicious circle, and the situation got worse as the time passed. Even in the last two centuries, i.e. 20th and 21st century, we have had more than 25 big and small crises. The great depression in the 20th century was one of the largest and most significant economic crises we have faced. The most recent crisis was the global financial crisis during 2007–2008 that left enormous economic destruction in its wake. Although that was more than eight years ago, people are becoming wary of this as the past trend shows that the crisis happens after every couple of years. Many, affected by the economy, had thought that the central banks had taken out the danger of depression or subsequent recessions, yet the mortgage crisis of 2007 and subsequent financial meltdown immediately tempered this conviction. The criticisms against fiat money have increased since the global financial crisis in 2008, which has cast doubt on the future of leading currencies such as the euro and has weakened the pre-eminence of the US dollar bill. Additionally, the power of the central banks in the management of local currency has also been called into question. As a result, investors have been looking for alternative stores of value. One example of this has been items such as gold, which has experienced remarkable rises in value in the years succeeding the global financial crisis, as investors investigated for a hedge against volatile fiat money such as the US dollar bill. A currency pegging to gold is for the most part more steady than fiat cash because of the constrained supply of gold. There are more open doors for the making of bubbles with fiat money because of its abundant supply. The other example is virtual money, which has bred since the financial crisis of 2008. Though, this medium of exchange is at a very early point of evolution and has a much smaller community of users; it is regarded by many as a promising concept which can compete and still challenge the dominance of fiat money in the future. Thus, cryptocurrency is being favored by most people.

Cryptocurrency is open source and built on peer-to-peer circulation networks. It is the interest of anybody involved in these systems to maintain and uphold the worth of this currency.

Cryptocurrency encourages a monetary system where fiscal measures are influenced by the market and its participants. The network can decide interest rates and reserve requirements without the need for central banks.

More prominently, those who use the money, meaning all of us, can choose what money they need to use. They can use bitcoin, litecoin, or perhaps AbilityCoin. This implies that the users preserve value. Dealers accept the currencies which are most requested; investment will go into the cryptocurrency ‘ecosystem’ to guarantee that it is simple and as generally risk-free as possible for users to interact with that monetary system.

They fulfill the demand of a market that needs a suitable medium of trade that is far from the misguided and severely incentivized centralized banking system, which is non-inflationary, cheap to utilize, and is effortlessly transacted.

The other argument for the replacement of fiat cash with “decentralized” virtual monetary standards is that the administration’s monopoly infrastructure of the free market activity of fiat money has brought about exacerbated business cycles and long haul expansions. According to the studies, it is seen that increased business cycles are the inevitable outcome of the financial interventions of the national banks in the market. They say that since the large reaction of fiat cash, and the expansion in fractional-reserve banking, national banks have been in a position to grow credit impressively by their own particular assets and by the assets endowed to them by their customers. This thus has prompted an expansion in the supply of cash and to misleadingly low-interest fees, which subsequently has prompted an increment in financial activity. They argue that this intervention and control of the market by the national banks prompt mal-investments and a wasteful division of assets. The continuation of credit development prompts an artificial and unsustainable boom in the economy, which in the long run falls and inspires a drawn-out recession. Financial experts say that until the credit-based monetary control by national banks remains, we are probably going to see more continuous and extreme depressions later on. Experts guarantee that “decentralized” cash, which is managed by market powers, is the main route toward market security. In this case, it can be said that replacing fiat cash with “decentralized” virtual money could be profoundly beneficial as it could maintain a strategic distance from these extraordinary business cycle changes. The other argument is that governments ought not to have a manipulating infrastructure over the issuance of cash since ‘governments are innately inflationary.’ They guarantee that there is a consistent enticement by governments to ‘perpetrate the wrongdoing’ of over-issuing and controlling their cash with a specific end goal to make cheap money to finance administrative undertakings. However, this very activity prompts a twisting of the structure of relative costs and long-term inflation. This inflation is accepted to be exceptionally harming to economies, as it upsets the working of the capital markets and furthermore makes future costs harder to anticipate and current value developments harder to decipher. It is further expressed that the best way to accomplish a steady value level is by expelling from national governments their imposing business models over cash creation. Virtual monetary standards are not controlled by an authority or a central figure, their cost is dictated by the market powers of free market activity. It can be said that by moving far from fiat cash and embracing virtual monetary forms, we might have the capacity to achieve stable value levels and put a stop to long-term inflation.

Another argument for replacing fiat cash with virtual money is the enormous advantages that it can convey to the present financial and banking system. Virtual money makes exchanges significantly less expensive and speedier, as the cost of a transaction using internet is more affordable than through traditional frameworks. Furthermore, global transactions are made without worrying about costly bank charges or exchange rates identified with the exchange of fiat cash.

Cryptocurrency is in the early stage of evolution, so far our understanding of cryptocurrency and its application in our daily lives is considerably more naive. With the importance of money granted, it is important to further look into the growth of virtual currencies and the challenge that they pose to the future of fiat money. The truth of the matter is, not very much, on the off chance that anybody anticipated anything about cryptocurrency could ever exist. We truly are very not sure of what the future could hold for cryptos and what they would enable us to do. Though one thing is known for sure — cryptocurrency is a viable option as well as the only real option accessible to us at this minute.

Article was originally published in —

