The Power of Emotional Intelligence: Lessons from Microsoft’s Satya Nadella: EQ trumps IQ

Abir Chermiti
2 min readJan 11, 2024

As a woman deeply rooted in the tech industry and a firm advocate for inclusive leadership, I find the story of Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO, particularly inspiring. Nadella’s journey isn’t a tale of flaunting intellectual prowess but a testament to the power of emotional intelligence (EQ) in shaping successful leadership.

Emotional Intelligence: The Heart of Leadership

When Nadella took the helm at Microsoft in 2014, his focus was clear: EQ trumps IQ. In a world where technological achievements often steal the spotlight, Nadella emphasized the often-understated value of emotional intelligence. His philosophy resonates with me profoundly — the belief that, without being a source of energy for others, little can be accomplished.

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The Impact of EQ in the Corporate World

It’s proven that companies prioritizing emotional intelligence witness enhanced productivity and employee engagement. This aligns with my ethos at Elle Media Empire, where we believe in the power of understanding and connecting with people at a deeper level.

Embracing EQ: A Personal Anecdote

Years ago, working under an emotionally intelligent executive, I learned a valuable lesson about leadership. Amid a high-pressure project, we had a team member who struggled to contribute. Our boss, rather than pushing his agenda, turned to him and asked, “What do you think?” The team member’s brilliant idea, previously overshadowed, became a turning point for the project’s success. This experience reinforced my belief that true leadership is about empowering and valuing every voice in the room.

Authentic Leadership Through Emotional Understanding

Emotional intelligence isn’t about being overly emotional; it’s about authenticity, empathy, and understanding the emotions and aspirations of those around you. It’s about creating an environment where everyone feels valued. In my journey, I’ve learned that a leader who cannot navigate their own emotions will struggle to lead others effectively.

The Humility in “I Don’t Know”

Garry Ridge, chairman emeritus of WD-40 Company, once said that “I don’t know” are the most powerful words a leader can utter. This openness to not knowing everything is a gateway to learning and growth. It’s a principle I embrace wholeheartedly in my leadership style.

Creating Space for Collective Brilliance

True leadership isn’t about having all the answers but about fostering an environment where collective intelligence can thrive. This is the ethos I strive to cultivate at Elle Media Empire, where diverse perspectives are not just welcomed but celebrated.

Nadella’s Enduring Legacy

Satya Nadella’s leadership style at Microsoft exemplifies that emotional intelligence is far from just a corporate buzzword. It’s a vital force that shapes the future of leadership in the tech world and beyond. As leaders in tech, embracing EQ isn’t just beneficial — it’s essential for the collective growth and innovation of our industry.



Abir Chermiti

Award-Winning Women In Tech Ally | AI Enthusiast | Entrepreneurship Coach | Certified Harvard Business Strategist | PM & Software Engineer