Is Bitcoin Headed for an Unavoidable Crash in 2024 as the Halving Approaches? — How Then

5 min readNov 14, 2023


As the eagerly anticipated 2024 Bitcoin Halving approaches, a recent report from Glassnode has unveiled a concerning tightening of available Bitcoin supply. This analysis delves into key indicators predicting a surge in investor demand in the months leading up to this critical event.

Bitcoin Constriction

The Bitcoin supply has plummeted to historically low levels, as revealed by Glassnode’s examination of the dynamics before the fourth Halving. According to the report, short-term holders now possess only 23.8% of the total supply, a unprecedented level. Moreover, merely 5 to 10% of bitcoins are actively traded, with the rest being accumulated by long-term investors.

This relative scarcity sharply contrasts with previous cycles, signaling a paradigm shift. Holders are storing their bitcoins away from exchanges, anticipating new highs. Glassnode’s report analyzes this phenomenon in three stages: first, the “active and available” supply, then “savings and storage” rates, and finally, the impact of capital flows on valuation.

This comprehensive approach reveals a massive downward pressure on short-term supply, favoring long-term accumulation.

Explosive Cocktail Before the 2024 Halving

This scarcity of available supply occurs at a crucial juncture, just before the scheduled Halving in April 2024. This event, occurring every 210,000 blocks, reduces the rate of new bitcoin issuance by 50%.

Combined with the halving-induced reduction in emission, the scarcity of supply could trigger a major bullish rally. Previous Bitcoin halvings witnessed remarkable price surges. Glassnode’s report identifies striking similarities between current conditions and the bottoms of past bear markets.

For astute investors, the message is clear: this supply scarcity amid growing demand could propel the price of Bitcoin to new heights. The current supply tightening appears to herald an explosive bullish cycle after the 2024 Halving. The winning strategy? Patient accumulation in anticipation of the impending storm.

Bitcoin Halving Countdown 2024 — Everything You Need to Know


Last Update November 7, 2023

Bitcoin halving cuts down miner rewards by 50% and occurs every four years. The next Bitcoin halving event is expected around April 2024.

The Bitcoin halving of 2024 looms large in the dynamic crypto market, capturing the attention of Bitcoin enthusiasts and global investors. The next Bitcoin halving is scheduled for April 2024, reducing block rewards from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 per block.

Following the Litecoin halving in 2023, all eyes now turn to Bitcoin halving. This event, occurring approximately every four years, represents a pivotal moment in the life cycle of the world’s first cryptocurrency. It’s a time of anticipation, speculation, and profound economic implications.

Bitcoin Halving Mechanics

Bitcoin halving takes place approximately every four years or after about 210,000 blocks are mined. It is embedded in Bitcoin’s source code, halving the block reward for miners with each block, controlling the supply of new bitcoins entering the market and, consequently, inflation.

The process is a key component of Bitcoin’s monetary policy, mirroring the scarcity and deflationary traits of precious metals like gold. Bitcoin’s Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism involves miners solving complex mathematical problems to secure the network and validate transactions, earning a portion of the mined bitcoins as a reward.

Halving’s Impact on Miners and Investors

Bitcoin halving directly affects mining profitability by reducing block rewards. While it poses short-term challenges for some miners, it plays a vital role in maintaining the cryptocurrency’s value and scarcity. The reduction in rewards affects miners by cutting their income, potentially making smaller miners unprofitable, leading to consolidation in the mining ecosystem.

For investors, Bitcoin halving introduces the potential for scarcity-driven price appreciation. However, it can also bring short-term price volatility. Factors like global macroeconomic conditions, institutional sentiment, technical developments, and overall market sentiment can influence Bitcoin prices.

Bitcoin Price Predictions Post-Halving

Historical data suggests that Bitcoin halving significantly impacts its price. The typical cycle involves an accumulation phase, a bull phase, and a pullback/bear phase. The last halving cycle started with an accumulation phase, followed by a substantial price spike and, eventually, a bear market.

Analysts’ predictions for Bitcoin’s price post-2024 halving vary. Some forecast substantial increases, with predictions ranging from $100,000 to over $1 million. These projections depend on factors like macroeconomic conditions, institutional interest, and technical developments.

Impact on Other Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin’s price movements influence the broader cryptocurrency market. Altcoins, especially those closely tied to Bitcoin like Ethereum, can experience significant price changes during Bitcoin halving events.

Crypto strategist Michaël van de Poppe suggests optimal times to invest in altcoins before Bitcoin halving, emphasizing the period of 8 to 10 months before the event.

Trading Bitcoin Halving

Investors can employ various strategies leading up to the 2024 Bitcoin halving. Buying and holding Bitcoin, dollar-cost-averaging, automated trading with trading bots, spot market trading, and going long or short on Bitcoin futures are potential approaches.

Trading the halving event requires careful consideration of risk and market conditions. Investors can also explore opportunities for passive income through lending and structured wealth generation products.

The tightening of Bitcoin supply ahead of the 2024 Halving raises expectations of a significant price impact. Historical patterns, combined with current market dynamics, suggest potential opportunities for investors. However, the crypto market’s inherent volatility and susceptibility to external factors warrant careful consideration and risk management for those navigating the path to the next Bitcoin halving.


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Originally published at on November 14, 2023.

