Walls Crumble in the Darkness: What Ocarina of Time Teaches Us About Maturity.

Jack Ward
5 min readDec 29, 2019
Created by WillGtl

Nestled deep within the Kingdom of Hyrule, you find a peculiar forest where a group of children never grow up. A giant, sentient tree along with an army of fairies protect these children from the darkness that exists outside the forest. If the children leave the forest and face this darkness, they will surely die. But, why would anyone leave such a place? Everyone has everything they need, and they (mostly) get along with each other. Only fools would ever wander beyond the safety of the forest. Thus, the children within the Kokiri forest remain equally protected and trapped within the structure that exists around them.

Created by Conor Burke

The Curse of Naivety

During childhood, each of us must rely on certain things in order to survive. For example, we all need parents to feed us and protect us. These things allow us to survive the complexities and dangers that surround us. We can call these things “structures”. Unfortunately, these structures all come with a “curse” of falling apart one day.

The Great Deku Tree represents the center of a structure that the Kokiri rely on. They remain carefree because…



Jack Ward

Certainly a dork ;) Psychology (INFP), bass guitar, video games, and self-development. Follow me on Twitter @AboutThatYak