War as an Art not a science.

Eric R Brazil
14 min readMar 7, 2022


Putin has Woven Advanced USSR Reflexive Control Theory Doctrine, The internet & Kentic War into a Digital Reality Show Of Power.

The Scary Part , No one knows hes actually winning..

Local :Ukraine

Invasion/Conquest/Campaign Hypothesis.

(Im giving my hypothesis one more chance of 48 hours after I originally called march 8/9th before I declare it dead)

(I have alot more writing to do and reformating for clarity. YES. I will be included sources as well as and deeper Explanation on how ive come to these conclusions. I wanted to get the FULL thing outlined first)

If I think about it and you dont.

I win.

If I think about it and you think about me, thinking about it.

I lose.


First thing is first.

I see your secret weapons.

You fight Dirty

Wait ,Did I just out Putin, at being Putin. Does that make me the next Putin ?

Tho think you took phase theater of war a biiiiit far….

Slavia Ukraine ❤ AND Anyone Putin has ever Hurt.

To my Life Partner Ash- Sorry Bout being so busy,trying to save rhe world Love you

I am making some assumptions listed here and FEW Side Notes.


1) I am assuming Putin Is 100 percent competent.

2) I am assuming RTC is his number one priority when making design decsions

3) I am assuming Putin has Evolved USSR Reflexive Control Theory beyond anything ever conceptualized.

Side Note: Double Edged Sword. I am specifically trying to push the limits of RCT, because I have no idea his skill level. But I wont cheat. I will only make Speculations if I have some sorta backing information that I can defend if questioned. I have grasped the concept pretty well. I have created what I concider to be Lets be honest. No one knows WHAT Putin is thinking. Least of all ,me. But I have learned HOW he thinks. And I found his trail.

Side Note: I trully belive his original Intent has been concealed for now because all of my RCT Spec points to a strategy you can’t really come back from Diplomatically. Local or international. I think he never anticipated Elon Musk’s Starlink so he canceled testing the tactic. For now.

I think phase 2* of his plan can Black out a Nation from NATO and the International Intelligence Community. Replace communications or fake opposing communications. Like a mobile fog of war machine.

But at the moment we don’t Have enough information. So now tho may just be saving face.

You can glance my notes as well but they are a mess. So good luck with that.

USSR RCT is all about Information Control. Just keep in mind the russian interpretation isn’t science its more philosophy mixed with Art. And Art is subjective, allowing me some creative room to breath. Also means nothing is for sure.

Now Lets Talk about What the Hell is Going on.

Putins Ukraine Strategy Overview

NAME :Terrible Info Dump

Putins Habits


-Attention to Detail

-Control Freak.

-Absolute For Front of USSR Reflexive Control

Personal Tactics

  • Plausible denialablity
  • Overwhelming numbers
  • Pokes
  • Snaping
  • Choas
  • Masking

Prime Objectives

  • Win condition: Kill or Capture Leader.
  • Manipulate the Defenders AND the Audience thru a Range Of Emotions.
  • Keep the worlds attention.(Good VS Evil dynamic sells tickets )
  • Cause Terror To make Leadership/People Fearful for his next 1v1 offer ( Hypothetical)
  • Persian Syphon Conscripted Humans for Wall of Flesh First wave (Hypothetical)
  • Allies Resources ( Side Benifit weakens all allies nations to help the next nation or when its thier turn ) (Hypothetical)
  • Reset and Start the Process over (Hypothetical)

Blackmail and Nukes

He forces set rules with the nuke threats. No he doesn’t want to use them but he will.

Will He? YES.

But ? No. No. Buts. He will use them.


  1. No Nation can officially Join the fight.
  • He will not fight a traditional war on multiple fronts.
  • Needs Nations to send resources to replenishs lost Resources. (Persian VS Greece)
  • 2. No Nation can create a No FlyZone
  • This is actually a win requirement. ( Needs This Or No Chance:Yes he will Nuke )
  • Absolutely Overwhelming Russian Air Superiority with his real military Elite Paratroopers (RRF* & Tanks: Full Modern Gear & Coms Night Vision)
  • He flys in Battalions at night in order to conceal setting up his next phase. Using the Darkness Simultaneously with Artillery in order to draw attention from setting up.

-Major Events and Intent-

If Putin does any action, speaks any word, or gives any order. He has intent. He additionally he uses RTC to conceal intent.In order to determine Intent

Always trying to illicit an emotional response and always trying to control someones behavior or imprint ideas subconsciously.

I have listed the Major Phases of his Plans also briefly wrote the intent

Phase 1 :Surrender or 1 v 1

( Intimidaton, Attention, Set Up Expectations )

Phase 2 :Fog of War/ BlackOut/Andromeda>

Elon Stopped its testing for now, (hypothetical)

(Panic, Confusion, Fear,Shock,)

Phase 3 : Expendable Horde->

(Build Hope , Confidence, Motivation, Nonsensical, Evil, Cruel, Confusing, Conflicting information, Entertaining, Sad. Tell a story or heros journey)


Phase 4: Rapid Elite Terror Night Sneak Attack>

(Swift, Shocking, Overwhelming, Panic, Fear , Doubt )

Fully Equipped Elite Airborne Rapid Response Force and Tanks.

( Defys Expectations Swiftly . Fear, Paralysis decsion process lags , He seems to do this at the veryyy last moment when emotions take over )

Phase 5:Spitnaz Defensive Betryal Ambush

(Betryal and Terror, Loss)

Phase 6: JUNCTION Putin will be there himself to show the world he won. Kill or Capture.

Rumors of a Mobile 5th Command Center. It was designed to be a field command for The Rapid Response Force. And has Electronic Weapons.


The video where his hand went thru the microphone is the only “oddity” so lets consider this artistic liberty. Tho it has been confirmed by NATO to exist and they did say it had Automatic Andromeda. Putin has a quote about AI being the future and who ever has it control’s the world. But he put in a mere 0.5% of whay China &America invest yearly.

I made a rule not to cheat. So I can’t count that as fact and need more intel

My Philosophy: I used USSR Reflexive Control Doctrine. Putins Historical Conflict Data, NATO Research analysis and watched/detailed the Ukirain Conflict

My hypothesis prediction


100% Objective Success Leader

Defenders Killed/ Captured

His Signal is triggered by a calculation.

I have no idea what Putins ideal equation is.

Im pretty sure I have the variables identified and a timeline.

It was reported that a dead captain had “ 15 days of orders on him” Putin uses your emotional state of being right before you find resolve and he planted the evidence because Its RCT 101

Amount of Resources sent

Amount of Defenders Remaing

Amount of Attention

Amount of Orc/Cannon Fodder Left

Amount of Nights of Behavioral training

So he will Launch his endgame tonight. ( March 9th)



This was over from the start

Putins END GAME: Persian Flanked Betryal

Its Psychology warfare as much as Kentic warfare.

Once he gives the signal

Phase 4:

He said he was sending “1000 professionals”. NATO estimates thier is 1200-1500 Spatnaz. That’s an odd thing to say.

He wants to catch everyone off gaurd it will cause paralysis.

He wants to absolutely overwhelm with numbers.

Elite Paratroopers “Rapid Reflexive Forces” will deploy at NIGHT they will have night vision.

Fully armed in modern Top of the line Equipment and coms NATO mentions Tanks. To imcrease firepower.

He will continue a push till it Force’s you to fall back but as you fall back his Spatnaz will be waiting in your defensive zone. They will be people you hung out with or maybe people you trained with.

This tactic seems to be a favorite of his as well.

Spitnaz have been know to be able to get around Ukraine. Civilians,Volunteers and Ukrainians. No idea on numbers they were all over the place ( Spooks go fig)

( I have a what I call a junction here. Multiple Scenarios Because of the Elon Save )I don’t know his true intent, I feel after sending His owm Russian People to Soak up bullets quite literally your not going to have a good political time. It makes me think that if his black out tech worked. He would have used his Black out tech, then Capture. RESTOCK and hop and start the process over and cut ties from Russia so they have plausible denialablity . If elon didn’t step in and he got to this point he would as brutal as he can be. Period. And going to show the world and fear into the next nation he challenges. But more importantly a Show of Power to NATO that he was incontrol the whole time even tho it looks like to the world hes getting his shit kickd.

He will be IN THE WARZONE in a mobile Command Center with his own 30k Private Gaurd (NATO confirmed ) He is most likely already there. He wants to capture and kill the president himself. Destroying everyones Hero* himself . ( Ive actually decided h
Causing Fear to the next nation.

If He decides to go on a campaign, Then these apply. Hypothetical.

Persian Syphon stage
He then syphons from the local population, Defenders Captured plus the resources that were sent to the country.
Then he replenishs the people killed in the meat grinder by locals.
And replenishes resources from this things the nation’s have sent.
He is not scared of war crimes because he will not go to court.
He will always remain at the Mobile Command Center.
And he knows you will obey the rules of war.


He will target his next Nation. Allow them to Surrender OR Force the next 1 vs 1

With the same rule set.

He will modify conditions to scramble the Blitz and change RTC benifits

His main challange is Elons Starlink He wants to be able to force 1v1s blackout the Traditional intelligence community and he will be able to hop nations in the cover of communication Black out. Jumping from fog of war to fog of war. AND I want to take this one step further because of NATOs concern about Auto Andromeda (dosent MATTER right now.)

Below here I am still writing. But the begining to writing the next layer of theory is started.

Explains Major Events

-Explains Forced 1 v 1 DONE

-Explains No Fly Zone DONE

-Explains the “unite the world mistake” go into more detail pretty basic

-Explains his army . I could WRITE a book holy shit. What awful and fucken brutal USE of an army. Evil if his intent is what I think it is.

-Explains the Randomness. Introduc the RCT concept (odditys)

-Explains Warcrimes he wont be tryed if he goes on Conquest explain this.

-Elon ( this is complicated and an accident Elon stopped him from Testing his new communication Black out toy Andromeda)


Chaos theory has successfully proven the inherent ideas about complexity and unpredictability to be incorrect. Indeed, neither do simple systems always behave in a simple way, nor does complex behavior always imply complex causes

Re write

Its own second explaing the disconnect Puttin has Woven Together Elements of Theater, Littature, and War.

Make a Case that Putin Has Expanded USSR RCT to include the internet and Social Media. Greatly Amplifying His Use Cases to never before seen levels.

I would then check what the masses were generally thinking about the oddity WITHOUT influencing the conversation. If it was generally just “wrote off” or “laughed at” . would by my so call “Odditys” once linked to multiple I would flag Oddity there I would check

Will show new RCT Tactics ive found used by Putin.

Outline keep until rewrote

I started by looking at historical, assumeed, or expected information about a Russia invasion from a Western Traditionalist Standpoint. Keeping in mind most common sense. From Over all Strategy to basics expected equipment. So I would have something to stand on.

Creates POSTIVE Emotion
Create a Climax ( finds ways to build tension in)
Defy Expectations INSTANTLY
Slam with Terror And Fear
Paralysis (same
Crush Spirte
And Publicly Exacute the Prez

He will restock from fallen nations stockpiles and Conscripted

He will hop Nation’s.

Surrender or Force 1 v 1

Repeat Process
Elon VS Pootin

Reveled His Preferred Hiding Spot.

Single handly Updating the Littature on USSRs REFLEXIVE CONTROL to Putins Level of Mastery. ( Ive got balls lol )

Ima make a quick and dirty crash course for USSR RCT.

We dont got time for a 1960s Soviet History Lesson so Ima make up some lingo and concepts and we will just roll with it cool ? Bet.

This is just how I understand it. Even the Russia to United States Documentation is so vague in general that concepts only differ by wording. So I read the russian style and America. I like the russian its more romantic and Im art and literature and theater clicks better with me the rigged crap.

However the literature falls pretty short and is pretty basic.

Putin has created new elements and increasesed the overall structure, depth and length from what I can tell. Its really no wonder he has has the uper hand this entire war, hes taken the Theory farther then I think anyone would ever imagine.

The Goal is Keeping Targets in a Spun Up Reality who won’t even challenge the possibility of thier being a writer.


Writer : The creator.

Intent : The REAL Reason for anything. This is hidden above all else. Once intent is revealed you are at a disadvantage, especially if your enemy knows conciders but doesn’t act on it.

Story: The Real Journey as wrote by the Writer.

Typcially over a prolonged time line.

Start Point — End Point

Flux Of Emotions

Begining -Middle- Climax-End

Think of this as a “marketing campaign”

You know the methods you used and why you used them whe you created it.

But the consumers do not.


Narrative: Pick a concreate version of facts to start with. What sorta conversations do you want,What why where who. (Themes, Talking Points, Reflections, Debate, Cause, Donations, Lore )

Chatter: This is the overall discourse of how the masses are viewing the narrative AS TOLD ( Feed Back Loop, You can see what people think , Make Alteration, or double down. Also very very usual for checking what idea have been imprinted and if they match your patterns. This is one of my post powerful analysis tools because if something is being dismissed, easily explained, laughed at. You can tell. Most people have no idea they are being decived. So when you are looking at an intent you can see where it is just being dismissed and ignored. Red Flag.

Events: An event is simple. Its a trugger. What an event can’t be would take me a book to write.

It can be anything and do alot (It can be used to illicit emotions, push narrative, draw attention, dismis attention)

The Scene: The area where characters interact with eachother, how they interact, what they think, how they (The is fluid)

Character: Key People going throught everything you have set up

Puppets: Generic People included in your Story

Junction: Once you find intent now you need to figure WHY & sometimes you have more then one “why”. You can’t call it one way or the other because you lack information or maybe their is just two options. These happen alot when predicting outcomes from defying expectations

I keep a list of odditys and I am always cross checking with data Once they turn a pattern I start keeping tabs on the subject chatter because if the masses are easily excusing it during conversation. I need to flag it for benfit seach.

Staging: A large group (5 or more ) Of patterns that point toward Intention with more clarify of the benefits being concealed

Pattern: A few ( 2 or 4) of odditys that may point to Intention.. Basiclly diffeent Odditys that may not have anything to do with eachother that would provide he same benfit to conceal means a higher chance of it happening.

Oddity: Something that has been singled out because something is Amis, unsual, contradicting.. just odd. Hence..the..name.

Imprint: Simple put this is putting and idea in someones head. a conclusion that you pick from experinces and information never knowing that you have picked it for them.

Set Expectations :Put information in someone’s mind that can provide a fairly accurate guess to an assumption about an experience or event confidently

Expectations: Information in someone’s mind that creates a fairly accurate guess to an assumption about an experience or event confidently

DEFY EXPECTATIONS: All information in someones mind that creates a guess about an experience or event with confidence only to be left without any information

Illicit Emotions: Cause a target an emotional response. In order to control outcome.

Distract: Influence your targets attention from

Finish ERIC lollll fucken definitions lol

The Art of Speculation.


Fuck man this is russias military lol

Also once he figures out How to bypass Elon he will do this in the cover of communication Black out. Dosent MATTER right now.

Look up his battle data


World sccale

If you believe he can help get trump elected he can do this

Apply garyv



Goal capture Ukraine

Russia is a mediator in the minx accords (WTF they were the aggressier, this means they can go to War ANY TIME with Ukraine )

World stage.

Planes ?

Heros Journey

This is the play he wrote.( Here is PLAY lol )
Good Vs Evil.

Ukraine Prez As the Hero.
Ukrainen as the good guy. ( Represents Western Ideals Freedom, Justice, Democracy)

He Made him the Villian ( Representing Evil Ideals )
Russia is the bad guy

The fuck they are hitting apartments

Right now he is creating specific emotions.

Airborn Rapid Response Elites are 70k
They are ALWAYS deployment ready.

Hope. Confidence, Unity. Arrogance,

He wants everyone to think they are going to win.
He wants everyone to unite and send as much reserve resources as they can.
He wants everyone to watch

syphon soilders from the other puppet countries under his control for the grinder. I WAS fucken RIGHT lol he totally did lol That is 5 odditys to distract or conceal that support the grinder. THEY ARE THERE TO DIE the more the better for PUTIN LONG AS 100 RUSSIANs kill 1 hes happy.

Didn’t Persians do this ?

Once everyone is at the hight of elated emotions.
As we win OR about to win.
He is planning a "Boss Fight" with the 1000 Mercenarys OR he will defy expectations at this junction.

report by Airwars found a 34% increase in incidents of civilian harm caused by Russia during the first six months of 2018 compared to 2017

Infamous Russian paramilitary Wagner Group, violated the 2015 deconfliction agreement between the United States and Russia. U.S. forces acting in self-defense killed a number of Russian contractors

critical for deterring the West and projecting power into NATO’s southern flank and amplifying Moscow’s intelligence-gathering opportunities against the United States and its partners in favor of Russia’s interests. Russia’s secure position in Syria also bolsters its presence in the Black Sea; indeed Crimea played

He wants positive emotions and moral as High as possible.
In order to keep UP moral FOR Ukraine so they fight as long as they can with everything they have. He has already wrote off the 150k

Whyyyyyy are hissss elites being killlllled… big shortage. NATO reported huge fucken numbers….

Start arguing online anonymously see how people defend topics so they get emotional. Get a foundation.

Advanced concepts to create explanations for

Bi Directional Propaganda.

Containment Propaganda



Eric R Brazil

Just some of my thoughts on whatever subject I happen to be pondering. Obsessions : Hiphop ,Tech, Futurism , Sombra-Overwatch, SMC, Dreams, Andrew ☯️