How you can Wear Adult Diapers with Proper Discretion

Casey Strom
3 min readNov 30, 2018

When people hear the term incontinence, most of them think that the people who are having this issue are those who are bedridden, elderly, and ill. You might be surprised to know that many who are having incontinence are traveling, working, and even having an active social life as well. Though this can pose a few challenges since most people intend to be capable of managing their incontinence with optimum discretion. They don’t want others to know the fact that they are using incontinence pants or Adult diapers. And the great news is that now there are several methods available that can help you to manage your incontinence discreetly. Here is exactly what you have to learn about how to wear adult nappies with discretion.

· Start with a proper plan:

Being capable of managing your incontinence starts with a proper plan. In case you know where you are doing and what you are exactly going to do while you get there, you can easily plan on how you can handle your issue with nappies. Does your plan need to include how you would take extra nappies with you? Which restrooms are nearby? And what clothing you could wear that would be perfect and manage your incontinence discreetly.

· Wear appropriate clothes:

It can never be stressed enough that wearing the appropriate clothing is important to wear a nappy with discretion. Remember that there is absolutely no reason to resign yourself to a large-sized dress. These days, diapers are sleek and thin enough to fit right under the stylish clothes. Although you should be certain that what you are going to wear is comfortable adequately with wearing an adult diaper. Certainly, you don’t love to spend all your time adjusting your dress to be sure that your nappy is not visible.

· Pick the right size:

You must pick the right size of ABDL diapers for your requirements. In recent times, you will get a wide array of sizes. This implies that you can wear a diaper, which fits your body perfectly and enable you to be discreet. Remember that you might require trying many different kinds of adult nappies until you find out the one that fits the type of your body most.

· Use easier to conceal diaper:

In case you are going to handle your incontinence with discretion with an adult nappy, then it could be beneficial to pick adult diapers, which are easier to hide. In case you need to carry around nappies that are bulky or brightly colored, it becomes harder to hide the fact that you are using nappies. So, today you can pick diapers, which come in discreet packaging, as well as are slim enough so that they can fit into a briefcase, purse, or even pocket.

· Plan how to dispose of:

When you want to manage your incontinence discreetly, then you should decide how you would dispose of diapers. You should have a proper disposal plan when you go outside the house. There are disposal bags, which would allow you to discreetly and easily get rid of soiled or wet adult diapers.

