Things You Can Do to Avoid Needing Frequent Air Conditioning Repairs

AccuTemp HVAC
2 min readMar 24, 2017


Air conditioning units are quite an investment, so you often hope they will last for many years. Typically, your air conditioner may last from 10 to 30 years, but its useful life depends on a lot of factors, most of them having to do with proper use and maintenance.

The longevity of your air conditioner would depend on how many hours a day you run it, how close it is to corrosive elements and contaminants, how well it has been maintained, and whether or not any major repairs have been completed. While you don’t have a huge amount of control over the placement of your air conditioner and the elements, the main thing you do have control over is how well you maintain it.

By following these simple tips, you can avoid having to call for AC repair frequently.

Pay Attention to the Filter and Vents

The air filter in your air conditioner is vital to its efficiency, as it catches large airborne pollutants that would otherwise damage your unit. When your air filter gets too dirty, it can start to impede air flow and suffocate your air conditioner unit, causing it to work harder and cause lasting damage. Read more from this blog



AccuTemp HVAC

AccuTemp Cooling and Heating in Shreveport, LA is dedicated to meeting and exceeding its clients’ expectations.