Don’t Work For Money, Let Money Work For You!

Ace Green
All Things Stocks
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2016

We were always taught, you have to work for your money, and that’s not what I’m here to argue. I just want to introduce an idea; After you have reached what I like to refer to as the “critical mass” – I don’t mean the pounds I gained sitting down in a chair all day doing engineering work) – by that I mean a certain amount of “assets”, you can leverage to let money work for you.

This idea to me is extremely powerful and most of you think you get it, but you really don’t. We are so entrenched in the school of thought that we have to work to get paid that we think only the rich can afford to take time off and have their money work for them. WRONG!

Going Off On A Tangent

Let me ask you this, how many of you thought of not working 5 days a week but only 3? Again we are so used to working 9–5, Monday through Friday, we forget the other options we have. Speaking of work-hour reduction, I have applied for it myself because I think it will be great for me to develop myself. I do understand that many don’t get that luxury because of where they work. I felt that the work I do doesn’t require me to be at work everyday and that I can do it in 3 days. Yes, that probably means I’ll get stuck doing just as much work while being paid less. But for me, alone the 2 days free or the time saved, 3 hours a day — twice a week commuting is well worth the income lost.

But the most important benefit is the fact that I can work on the stuff that I really love and that are likely to . Not to mention on a net income basis, you end up not losing less than you think.

FYI: A 40% time-reduction can result in only 20–25% income reduction!

Thats because you could end up in a lower tax bracket. Here in Germany, lower income means, lower contributions to public healthcare, public pension and a bunch of other taxes that you pay.

Back To Topic At Hand

Reducing your time isn’t what this article is about, I just wanted to point out the way we are wired. But its critical that we change our way of thinking to actually be able to apply this concept at hand.

We want our money work for us!

Successful people do it

Most successful individuals worked their ass off to get where they are today, thats just fact and there is no way around HARD WORK! But once they reached this critical mass I speak of, they leveraged that to continue to accumulate wealth while having time to enjoy it.

Athletes leverage their name to do advertising deals worth multiples of what they could earn during their athletic career, actually performing the sport. They hit their critical mass by investing the income. Not to mention, many end up becoming famous and idealized because they are so good at the sport they perform, that advertisers are willing to pay them millions to take advantage of that hype. This acts as a source for multiple income and they continue to get paid this recurring income LONG after they retire.

Its extremely powerful to able to reach this critical mass and leverage your assets to generate passive income and amass significant wealth. I hope I was able to get the message across, and that this article gets you thinking about how you can leverage your assets to generate additional income. But more importantly I want it to change your perspective on how to make money.

Next Up: Saving Will NOT Make You Rich!

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About me

I like to describe myself as a technologically savvy person whos able to leverage experience and a broad background to excel in a variety of roles. Although I have an engineering degree, I have been drawn to various other areas through sheer curiosity, and have developed a strong passion in them. I have dabbled around in the stock market, and currently work on making awesome apps. And I enjoy amongst many things technology especially the FinTech space, traveling, some good fitness.



Ace Green
All Things Stocks

I dabble around in the FinTech space - Like travel, music, golf and fishing - Looking to leave a mark on the world - The guy behind @StockSwipe @ChronicTimer