Why You Stand No Chance In Getting A Job In Silicon Valley

Hint: The Recruiting Process Broken!

Ace Green
6 min readMay 12, 2016

After a few months in search of a new opportunity in app development, I have come to the conclusion that the process is broken. I’ll attempt to list some of the issues that I think are major contributors to this.

Recruiters are part of the problem

I’m by no means saying recruiters are fully incompetent or unnecessary, I’m sure they serve a role but many are still following old habits. Many recruiter say they look for more than just keywords, yet they don’t practice it. Vetting seems to happen mainly based on keywords and real life projects don’t seem to matter.

Everyone is looking for number of years of experience on paper, rather than real accomplishments and results. Job descriptions will claim to look for “entrepreneurial spirits” but really they want someone who’s the opposite.

I don’t blame recruiters, there job is to find people as per requirements given to them. But I think companies would be much better of if the recruiters had a broader skill-set, with hands on knowledge of the position they are hiring for.

Most chats I had with recruiters are pointless, they just want to go over my resume. I asked many if they had downloaded…



Ace Green

I dabble around in the FinTech space - Like travel, music, golf and fishing - Looking to leave a mark on the world - The guy behind @StockSwipe @ChronicTimer