~ Emma Danzey

Ace James
4 min readDec 26, 2023

John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

This time of year can feel hectic and overwhelming. There are a million to-do lists happening at once, family schedules to be worked out, travel plans to be solidified, and more. It can be easy to fall into the temptation to be anxious, stressed, or fearful. However, may we remember the wonderful gift of peace that Jesus has brought to us.

Prince of Peace,
We call upon You today to acknowledge that the only true way for us to have lasting, external peace is only through You. You say in John 16:33 that we will have trials and hard times, but You have overcome the world so we can take heart. You have justified us by faith so we can have peace with God. Thank You for coming down to earth in a manger and dying on the cross for our sins. This was no small thing. This was an act of great love, and we praise You for it. We are grateful that You have freed us from the powers of darkness and the slavery of fear.

Jesus, You tell us in Isaiah 26:3 that You will keep those whose minds are on You in perfect peace. Would you renew our minds today? Where there is chaos or worry, would you replace that with rest and peace? Take away our fears and our uncertainties. Help us to truly trust in You. Give us a newfound appreciation for the ability to live out this fruit of the Spirit. We know that when we accept You, we have Your Spirit, and we have Your peace. Help us to choose to live by Your Spirit and not by our flesh. Help us to be guarded by Your peace in our minds and our hearts.

We confess that we have not trusted You as we should. Please forgive us for trying to be in control, not resting in Your sovereignty, and going our own ways. You are gracious and so kind to walk alongside us even in our weakness. Help us never to believe that we are unable to change or live in Your peace. You are still the same God You have always been, You have never changed, You raise Yourself from the dead, and with You, all things are possible.

Lord, help us not only to have your peace but to share it with others. You say that peacemakers are blessed. (Matthew 5:9) Would You enable us by the power of Your Spirit to make peace with others? May our lives and the ways that we share truth in love and the choices we make reflect Your heart. Help us to be obedient to You. Give us Your strength to not just keep the peace or people please, but truly be peacemakers in healthy and godly ways. You desire us to live peaceably with each other in the family of God. Give us great wisdom on how to be obedient to You in this, even when it is not easy.

Jesus, help us to pursue Your peace and turn from evil. In a world of great hate and division, help us to love well and to live out the truth of Your gospel. Give us ways to be peaceful and kind even in challenging situations and when we face cultural conflict. May we represent You in amazing ways with the help of Your Holy Spirit.

Help us not to be anxious about anything but to pray about everything and know Your peace that is beyond our understanding. Remind us of the peace that came to earth through our Savior, Jesus. We praise You for this new covenant of peace and restoration. Help us to remember that we no longer have to be afraid because You have defeated death and the grave. You have given us the guarantee of eternal life.

We praise you, Jesus. Amen.

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#PeacefulHeart #GiftOfPeace #JesusBringsPeace #PrinceOfPeace #PerfectPeace #TrustInHisPeace #RenewOurMinds #LivingInHisPeace #ChoosingPeace #ForgivenAndPeaceful #PeaceInWeakness #ShareThePeace #BlessedArePeacemakers #ObedientToHisPeace #PursuingGodsPeace #TurnFromEvilToPeace #LoveInChallengingTimes #CulturalPeace #PrayForPeace #CovenantOfPeace

