Journey through the Juxtapositions: 24 Hours in New Delhi

Ace Tully
3 min readJun 10, 2023


Arriving in New Delhi around 9 pm, I braved the subway. A foreigner who’d made South Korea my home for seven years, I’ve become accustomed to navigating new environments, but India was a fresh challenge. The curious stares felt different; perhaps it was simply that I was the stranger, and the onlookers were not the familiar faces I’d grown used to. Despite my seasoned traveler’s confidence, I ended up lost amidst the connecting lines, eventually abandoning the subway for the charm of a tuktuk ride to my hotel.

With the dawn came a riot of city sounds — the familiar chorus of morning commutes I’d encountered in countless metropolises before. Setting out with a destination, the historic Red Fort, each step towards it was an unveiling of something new. Delhi’s streets were a vibrant tableau of life’s disparity — ages, affluence, and conditions varied as widely as the Indian subcontinent itself.

I saw echoes of my past travels — families on scooters as in the Dominican Republic, people balancing their entire livelihood on their backs, an uncanny reflection of a universal human struggle beneath the surface of cultural diversity. For a moment, I felt a connection between the Indian streets and American ones; underneath the external variances, the common pursuit of a better life tied us together.

But as quickly as this realization dawned, it shattered against the harsh reality of a frail, elderly man, laboring under watchful eyes, his frailty juxtaposed against the brutality of a sledgehammer breaking concrete. This was a sight that defied comparison to my past experiences. Yet, the relentless course of life in Delhi continued to unroll before me, an array of contrasting sensory experiences — tantalizing aromas of street food, shocking scenes of public defecation, and the bustling trade of the alleyways.

Children played a vital role in this theater — some bare and joyous, others clothed and clinging, a stark reminder of the global inequities that persist into 2023. The sight triggered questions about our collective responsibility and the often unnoticed privileges we enjoy.

Yet, the day was not devoid of light-hearted moments. I marveled at the Red Fort, indulged in nameless, delightful street food, and inadvertently wandered to the gates of the Indian President’s Estate and Reserve Bank — unplanned encounters that enriched my exploration.

It was in the embrace of this unscripted journey that I discovered the liberating power of ignorance, the beauty of being open to the world without preconceived notions. While my heart ached at some sights, I acknowledged the futility of despair without action.

This day in India was not just traveling; it was an education — an intense, sensory-rich lesson in life’s contrasts. My friends’ descriptions of India had prepared me, yet it was a completely unique experience. In its cacophony and chaos, I witnessed an unvarnished reality, a stark contrast to the dressed-up, hidden aspects of life in the United States and South Korea.

Conclusively, New Delhi offered me an unparalleled understanding of human experience, a compelling insight into the contrasts of life, and a newfound appreciation of our shared human endeavor. The city might have been just a stopover on my way to Bhutan, but it gave me a valuable perspective — a piece of the world in its raw, unabridged form, that I will forever carry in my traveler’s heart.

