How to Earn Passive Income with Acentian’s Affiliate Program & Get a 10% Discount on Fees

5 min readOct 14, 2018


Hey everyone 👋, in this article I’ll be detailing exactly how to join Acentian’s Affiliate Program and how you will earn passive income in ETH and also receive a 10% discount on trading fees (we have no other fees 😎).

There is a monetary incentive to use somebody’s referral and a monetary incentive to spread your referral. Other benefits include strengthening our community, good karma and appreciation, and of course, strengthening Acentian and our market by attracting more users to trade and bet against for profit. More users = more liquidity/contracts = benefits all of us!

How to Join the Affiliate Program For Passive Income

We’ll establish how to use a referral to access a 10% discount on fees later. Let’s go over how to join the program and earn 20% of fees generated by users who used your referral code.

Currently a users referral code is the Ethereum address of their account. We’re using this system because it is very easy to remember.

To join you need to make one trade of any value (minimum bet is 0.1 ETH). This will register you with our system. You may need to wait up to 24 hours before your referral code becomes active. To check if you’ve been added to the referral program go to the account page. Check the “Ref. Status” as indicated below. In-active is shown on the left and active is shown on the right.

How to verify your referral code can be used to start earning passive income!

Great! Now you’re a part of the Acentian Affiliate Program. Spread our platform to your friends and through the community and get paid 🤘. Don’t forget to post it in the designated Discord and Telegram channels for a chance of somebody using it!

Passive Income Earnings

I’ll show how Acentian can generate you passive income from a single person using your referral.

50% of cryptocurrency trades are between $650 USD to $50,000 USD. Acentian is a derivative trading platform. Users are not trading cryptocurrencies for cryptocurrencies. Instead they’re using (limited for now to) Ether to bet and trade against the price of different cryptocurrencies going up or down. This is something that could be done much more frequently then trading actual assets (we have less fees too 😇), multiple times per day in fact. When we introduce a functionality known as leveraging the average trade size will drastically increase too.

For this example I’ll say your referral user is trading $5000 of volume on our market. The numbers change based on if they’re using maker or taker trades. Ill say 80% are taker and 20% are maker. ((1000 * 0.01) + (4000 * 0.015)) * 0.20 = $14.00 USD

That is from a single user daily 🤓. It has the potential to be less or significantly more too.

Affiliate programs are not new in general or this space. I’ve benefited from affiliate programs before and received a great passive income. I wanted Acentian to have that ability to do the same for others. It rewards those who are a part of the Acentian community and makes it beautiful and strong.

Some tips: Get familiar with using Acentian’s Over/Under Futures. The GUI and the functionality. Then offer help getting set-up and acquaintance to those who promise to use your referral code in turn. This only takes a few days but will end up paying off (as illustrated above).

This can be in other forms too including an article, community posts, or demo videos.

How to Use a Referral for 10% Off Fees

We encourage users to use referrals! While it means less revenue for us, we want to promote a healthy community ecosystem in which Acentian helps you earn money without even using your trading skills. That is why the first time anybody visits our first dApp Over/Under Futures we have this (below left image) showing.

Our welcome alert asking if you have a referral address to use | | A referral successfully being used and confirmed

If you do have a referral simply enter it and click submit. As long as it is a valid referral code it will go through and this message (above right image) will show.

If you didn’t have anyone refer you to Acentian or they didn’t offer a referral code don’t worry, just select “Just Start Trading” . You can add a referral code at anytime from the account page.

We have a few different places you can go to find somebody who is an eligible member of Acentian’s Affiliate Program. You can go to our Discord and head to the #referrals channel where people will have their referral codes posted. You can also head to our Referral Telegram Group where there’ll be referral codes posted too. Naturally you can reach out to a member of an Acentian online community and ask for their referral code, I’m sure they’ll be happy to oblige!

Congratulations, you now have 10% off trading fees and have made the community stronger 💪.

You’ll be able to verify that you’ve successfully used a referral code through the account page. Below images show an inactive (left) and active (right) referral status for an account through the account spage.

How to verify the referral you used worked and you’re receiving 10% off fees


Now you know the many benefits of the Acentian Affiliate Program! Check out this article to understand our Over/Under Futures GUI. I’ll be posting about how to use the functionality of O/U soon!

Help us make you money! Please give your feedback, criticism and thoughts on our Over/Under Futures dApp. The better it is, the more users and volume will be attracted to it. This will allow you as a trader/bettor to make more successful trades or use your hedging strategies to protect and create profit. As an affiliate you’ll benefit from receiving more passive income as your referral users have the ability to trade more because the market is liquid.

As always, spread the word! Invite your friends or others and get paid for it.

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Acentian is a distributed platform built on the Ethereum Network. Acentian offers risk management for digital assets through derivative contracts.