What is Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting? How does VPS Hosting Work?

Virtual Private Server Hosting Basics: Checklist Before You Purchase Virtual Linux Server Hosting Plan..!!

Acey James
5 min readOct 29, 2015

It is very clear that if you have your own website and if you want to increase access to it, then you have to look for a hosting that helps you to create traffic to your website which promotes your business and allows you to generate earnings.

VPS hosting is a virtualized server. This hosting environment imitates a dedicated server within the shared hosting surroundings. It is precisely both shared hosting and dedicated hosting. VPS Hosting is one of numerous kinds of hosting accounts you can prefer from to host your website online.

VPS is a separate sever that run on an objective machine that also hosts further server instances. In short, it is a server that functions with another server. With a VPS web hosting your site divides a server with numerous additional sites, just like with a shared hosting plan. Here’s how it works. These servers then provide for businesses and other customers to access at a very low cost.

VPS Server

The key feature of this hosting is stability where the shared server utilizes special virtualization software that successfully assigns a definite quantity of shared server resources to a virtual account.

Keep in mind that using VPS is somewhat a shared server environment. However, you acquire a dedicated bandwidth and possessions which if your procedure remains in your selected amount, your sites will do just fine.


Importance among VPS Web Hosting Plans:
• Superior manager selections such as server rebooting or modifying code
• Unlimited bandwidth
• Disk space
• More flexibility than a standard web hosting control panel.

Checklist Before You Purchase Virtual Linux Server Hosting Plan..!!

  1. Server RAM & Storage —
    How much RAM and disk space are offered and included? Also you’ll need — at a bare minimum — 1 GB RAM

2. Backup – What type of backup protocols is in place? How is your data and site architecture protected?

3. Distributions – What are your alternatives in VPS OS? Does your site require running on a specific Linux distribution? It’s important that your VPS provider gives the correct distribution and update the operating system.

4. Data Transfer – Are there any limitations on data transfers? If so, what are your options if you go beyond those restrictions? Most VPS hosts will inflict some boundaries — make sure you know what they are and what happens should you need to exceed them.

5. CPU core — Web servers tend to utilize the very small CPU power — if you are not running a game server. But still, you might want to find out how many cores you were given in your VPS account.

6. IP address —
How many IP addresses are included with your service? If there is a limit, what is the cost for additional addresses?

Find fast reliable, Secure and, high performing with Instant Setup and excellent support Virtual Linux Server Hosting Packages in a wide range of sizes and prices.

Specific Features: -

  1. Free Website Relocates — This feature can save you a plenty of time. When you switched to a new hosting service for VPS, they provided to relocate your sites.

2. Scalable — Many VPS hosting plans are scalable. You can gradually increase your hosting plan as you expand to meet your needs and not have to pay upfront for the resources you have not yet grown into.

3. User Interface / Backend — If you’re changing from shared hosting, then you’ll likely be familiar with a particular user interface i.e. cPanel. Thus, to reduce time learning a new interface, look for VPS with the same user interface option.

4. Support — Like any type of web hosting plan, support choices should take the first precedence because your complete experience can be cleaned out if your site runs into a downtime. Messing with the variety of alternatives in a VPS can build or smash a system. Thus it always helps to have some quick access to some phone support or live chat.

5. Control — You get more control with your virtual server than you can get with shared hosting.

7. Bandwidth — Some VPS hosting services propose a variety of bandwidth options. The more you get, the more you give. It can be a bit of experiment and fault decides the right amount of bandwidth. Be sure the VPS service you use, will utilize you to reduce or raise your bandwidth. So you’re not locked into the wrong bandwidth level.

Summery: Different types of business website hosting packages are offered by service providers. Reseller, virtual private server (VPS), dedicated server are some of the commonly used plans. You have to make the selection based on your usage. If your site has high volume of traffic then dedicated servers is the best choice. It will serve the purpose of keeping site up all the time. Large scale businesses need this server as they cannot risk to share the server with any other site. In this type, one entire server is dedicated to one website. This ensures 100% up time and is the most reliable server for busy sites. However, if you are planning to make some money from hosting business then linux reseller hosting plan is preferable plan. With this plan, you can sell hosting services to other clients. VPS is best suitable for small business where you pay only for what you use.



Acey James

Writer & Blogger. Passionate about Web Marketing. Loves to do photography, and tour hiking. Living free.