Our ICO date Announced: 7 Ways We Are Going To Sell Out Our Main Sale

Acorn Collective
3 min readMar 5, 2018


After the incredible success of our pre-sale, we are excited to announce that our main sale ICO date will start Saturday 26th of May and run for 4 weeks.

Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, a global crowdfunding platform takes time, and dedicated, strategic planning to take off.

We want to make sure that we get everything EXACTLY RIGHT to ensure not only that our main ICO is a success, but that we create a platform that is sustainable in the long term. We learnt a lot from our pre-sale, and we’re looking forward to implementing this knowledge into a next stage of funding.

That being said, we understand that 8 weeks can sound like a long time in ICO terms — so here’s a breakdown of what we’re going to do between now and the end of April to make sure that our ICO sells out:

Hype, Hype, and More Hype!

We know that HYPE IS ESSENTIAL if we want to hit our cap early, and launch on exchanges at a good price.

It’s a downfall of many ICOs that although they have a strong product, their lack of hype means that they underperform on launch. We know that our product is not only marketable but is globally necessary — now we need the rest of the world to know that. This is the reason we’re giving ourselves an 8 week lead up to the main ICO — to make sure that we can use our pre-sale funding to its full potential, and create the hype our platform deserves.

Build a Visual Prototype

We recognise how important it is for our supporters to see something visual and tangible when it comes to our platform, and how its going to work. Our developers are already hard at work to produce and present you a prototype of the platform in the near future.

Bringing Huge Advocates on Board

We are already in discussion with some big names in the crypto and crowdfunding world who will be creating a huge buzz about Acorn over the next few months.

Attending Events Worldwide

The team will be flying all over the globe in the lead up to the ICO spreading Acorn’s name far and wide. Starting this week with Vietnam Blockchain week where COO Ed Lobbett will be speaking, and Fintech Week Tel Aviv, where ICO advisor Simon Minton will give a keynote speech about Acorn.

The next few months will see us fly to several more continents, speaking and exhibiting at Blockchain and Fintech conferences, as well as meeting with accelerators and investor groups. Events we’re looking at in the coming months include the World Blockchain Summit in Nairobi, the World Blockchain Summit in Moscow, and the APAC Blockchain Summit in Melbourne.

Getting Listed on Exchanges

This is a vital part of the ICO process, so we’ll be investing a lot of time, money and due diligence to make sure that we’re listed on the best exchanges after the ICO. We’re engaging ICO listing consultants to help us with this process.

Refining our KYC Processes

We’ll put our hands up and admit the first 12 hours of our Pre-Sale were not ideal in terms of our KYC processes. In advance of our main sale launch, we’ll be further streamlining our KYC processes to make save time for contributors and the team. For the main ICO we’ll be processing KYC before the main sale meaning that you’ll be able to contribute automatically without having to wait for identity verification.

Ensuring Sustainability

We want to make sure that our token and platform has longevity to serve its purpose as a global crowdfunding platform. To do this we need to build our team, implement solid processes, and continue building relationships with accelerators worldwide who can connect us with the individuals and start ups that need our platform most.

We believe in the power of our platform to transform crowdfunding for good — 8 weeks will give us the time we need to make sure that our message is as strong and impactful as it can be in time for the ICO.

We’re proud of what we’ve achieved so far, and excited about the future.

Help us open up crowdfunding to the world — sign up for our main sale now.



Acorn Collective

The Acorn Collective is using blockchain to provide crowdfunding that is accessible, transparent and more likely to succeed. Visit https://aco.ai/ to learn more