
Acrux Network
2 min readNov 20, 2021


Users can earn points based on activity and presence on the site and receive reward based on the points collected. The collected points of each year are burned at the beginning of the third year, and the user can only convert their points to ACR in the first year.

Earn points based on activity

Earn points based on presence

*the activity limit for earning points per day is 8 hours.
*points’ deposit in this section is weekly and in case of at least one transaction.

Spending points:

- Get an ACX token with 1000 points: Due to the limited supply of governance tokens per year, those who reach 1000 points earlier will receive an ACX token.

- The increase in the APR of Yield Farming or staking: Users can use their points once a year to increase APR

- Convert to ACR token: Once every three months, the users can convert their points to ACR or they can get more ACR by collecting their scores.

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Acrux Network

A limitless multi-chain decentralized financial ecosystem with various and extraordinary products