How AdHive is Creating a Community to Assess Quality of Native Ads
6 min readNov 3, 2017


From the first printed ads of the Liu family needle shop in Imperial China during the Song Dynasty to the town criers advertising products and services in Europe during the Middle Ages, advertising has come a very long way indeed. Advertising on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and billboards became the new norm at the turn of the new century. The advent of the internet, however, changed the rules of the game and thus began the dawn of a new age of native advertising.

Native advertising, a form of paid advertising, is inherently non-disruptive in nature and appears “in feed.” This means that these ads are more of “recommended” or “suggested” marketing assets that are served to the customer without disrupting his or her primary activity, which is consuming of the content. The reader feels that the content is organic.

Why native ads are better?

Native advertisements are being increasingly used by marketers because of their worth in providing product and service information without overtly distracting them from their core activities. Native ads have a better response rate and CTR as compare to display ads and a native ad can yield as much as 308 times the consumer attention than a display ad would. Brand recall with native ads is two times more than with traditional banner ads.

2017 marks a sort of epoch in advertising trends. This year, for the very first time, digital ad spending is slated to surpass TV ad spending by as much as $5.5 billion. Next year, it is very likely that native ads will see spending of more than $21 billion (or $58 billion, by some sources) [1].

Advantage video ads?

Native video ads have an edge over text-based ads in that they are more compelling to watch, are more engaging and are more information-intensive without taking the fun out of watching an entertaining video. They are short, peppy and can be easily placed in social media feeds. All of these factors increase their shareability.

Native video ads show a 2.5x higher CTR, 3.5x lower cost per click, 10% lower cost per engagement and 30% more video play clicks [2]. With rapidly dropping attention spans (which is 8 seconds, on an average these days), native video ads are really the way forward.

The art and science of native advertising

Native ad placement is an art and science. You need to create ads that suit a platform and also appeal to your target audience without diluting your brand voice. This is a delicate balance and not every company can walk this tightrope effectively.

At the base of native advertising is trust. You should not trick your readers and you certainly don’t want to piss them off. Because click-through rates and reader engagement is greater in native advertising, many publishers would be tempted to deceive readers by hard selling the ad content as “organic.” But this is a mistake they do at their own peril. If it is an ad, it has to say so. And yet it has to be added to the feed so intelligently that the reader would not find it out of place.

Video blogger, or vloggers, have mastered this art of native video ad placements. These vloggers have a massive fan following which is personal. They are constantly engaged with their followers and provide a great opportunity for advertisers to exploit this massive marketing potential. They engage followers through insightful and entertaining videos on many platforms like YouTube, etc. If a native video ad is intelligently placed and well made, it provides value rather than coming across as promotional.

How AdHive is disrupting the native ads space with AI

This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play an important role. But before going into the juicy details of that, let us see how and why advertisers are missing out on a major source and platform for advertising their services and products — the video bloggers or vloggers. Brands work with celebrities and opinion leaders but hardly consider the more than a million (and counting!) video bloggers around the world who are also an integral part of influencer marketing. As we said earlier, these vloggers have their own followers who subscribe to their videos and are influenced by them.

AdHive is disrupting the native advertising field by launching a media platform that creates a robust network of vloggers for advertisers to use and gain value from. The advertiser does not need to go searching for vloggers and the vloggers do not need to search for monetization opportunities. The platform enables the advertisers to create a campaign. The vloggers can choose to take up the campaign. Neither party needs to know each other and payments are made by smart contracts.

At the heart of this revolutionary new platform is AI and blockchain. The platform has integrated AI modules for video and speech recognition and trigger detection. These modules control the placement of ad material on each channel that has been mentioned in the profile of the vloggers. These channels are monitored daily for video updates. The AI module sends triggers to the platform in case of proper execution of an ad task. To verify the fact of proper execution of the task, video recognition modules analyze all the video updates from the channels connected to the platform.

Community assessment of ad quality

AdHive intends to be not just a platform but an ecosystem, a community of like-minded people who are here to help each other, share knowledge and use their expertise to assess other member’s work. This is a unique proposition that aims to revolutionize how native ads will be made and disseminated. The overall mission of the community is to develop native video advertising on blogger channels, to develop the process of brand promotion on social media, to educate vloggers as well as advertisers, and to attract new and talented people into the community.

Community members will help assess the quality of video ads created by vloggers from the platform. They will also help vloggers increase their monetization potential from various ad campaigns. The platform allows community members to assess the quality of the video and send feedback to the vlogger. They can also alert the platform for any fraud issues and ways to improve the overall process.

Vloggers will receive all of this feedback from the community members as well as from the platform. The feedback will help vloggers to better their advertising material in order to better target the relevant audience. The assessment also helps community members as each participating member is rewarded with ADH tokens, the cryptocurrency powering the AdHive platform.

The platform rewards members for helping an ad campaign. The more accurate the feedback, the more rewards the member stands to earn. There is also a mechanism to discourage members from giving bad advice. If found guilty, the member will lose part of his tokens.

If a vlogger is seen abusing the platform, execution of the task by the guilty vlogger will be cancelled and the vlogger’s security deposit will be distributed by all those members who detected the fraud.

In conclusion…

AdHive endeavors to create a truly democratic platform that creates value for the advertisers as well as vloggers. By bringing the two parties together, the platform creates a win-win situation for both. AdHive envisages a community that not only provides value in terms of knowledge and teachings, but also assesses videos of vloggers so that a quality campaign can be run on behalf of the advertiser. This will attract more advertisers to the platform thereby providing greater traction to the concept and the platform.




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