Get a Research Proposal for PhD in Computer Science Here!

PhD Thesis Writing
3 min readOct 17, 2016


What Is a Research Proposal for PhD in Computer Science?

To get your PhD in computer science you will have to conduct an original research project that contributes something new to the field and write a paper on the research you conducted. If you have troubles with choosing topic or something else, you can ask PhD thesis writing help. However you can’t just jump right into the research. Before you begin you must submit a proposal to a research committee. The committee will review the proposal to determine if the research you are proposing fits the necessary criteria required of a PhD research project. Your PhD research proposal in computer science must:

  • Convince the research committee that the question your research will address is worthy of further study
  • Convince the committee that your proposed solution is the best approach to answer the question

Only after your proposal has been approved can you proceed with your project.

How to Write a Research Proposal for PhD in Computer Science

Your computer science research proposal is a critical step in the research process. A poorly written proposal is likely to be turned down and could even hurt your chances of earning a PhD. The following are the basic steps for writing a research proposal for PhD in computer science:

  1. Proposal introduction: The introduction needs to include an overview of your proposed research projects major concepts and issues. You should show where your research fits in general within the field of computer science and then narrow it down to what specific area and concerns it will focus on. Make it very clear what specific problem or question your research will address and present this in a concise research thesis statement.
  2. Literature review: Your literature review should outline previous work and research done in the topic area related to your proposed project. The purpose here is two-fold. You want to show that you are familiar with what has already been done in the area and also that there is a gap in knowledge that your research will fill
  3. Research methods: Provide full details on how you will carry out your project. All equipment, techniques or anything else that you will use during your project should be covered here. Your projected timeline and budget should also be included.
  4. Bibliography: Write a bibliography that cites all sources that were used in the literature review. The APA (American Psychological Association) style of citing references is preferred in computer science. The bibliography will be included at the beginning of your proposal and is a good way for anybody familiar with the topic to see if you have included all the important related literature.

Writing the PhD research proposal for computer science is hard, and it isn’t unusual for students to encounter problems. If you are having difficulties writing your research proposal in computer science, our PhD thesis writing service is available to help.

First Rate PhD Research Proposal in Computer Science

Our PhD thesis writing service includes PhD research proposals on any topic including computer science. The writers we use for PhD thesis papers and proposals all have PhD degrees in computer science themselves, as well as extensive experience conducting in-depth computer science research and the entire thesis writing process. They are well qualified to provide any research proposal writing help you need. Benefits of using our service include:

  • Unlimited revisions and editing at no additional charge. Our writer works with you until the proposal meets with your approval
  • Guarantees of complete satisfaction and on time delivery with all work we provide. If we are unable to write the proposal so that it meets your requirements including proper citation of all references, you are entitled to request a refund
  • Student friendly rates that will suit even tight budgets
  • Live customer support always available 24/7

Contact us for a high quality research proposal for PhD in computer science!

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