Getting Accepted Into Stanford’s Code In Place — CS106A Online

6 min readApr 24, 2023

So I got accepted into CodeInPlace, by Stanford. And yes, I am happy about getting accepted, yet that is not why I am writing this article. I am writing because CodeInPlace addresses the most significant online learning issue, which I have discussed in depth in a previous article. Yet, to get you up to speed, the gist of it boils down to the lack of mentorship. Code in Place solves that issue, so let us talk about CodeInPlace.

Actual cookies made by one of the students at CodeInPlace, Credit: @PecanStreetCookieCo

First, What is Stanford’s CodeInPlace?

CodeInPlace was created during Covid-19 to help others learn how to code; since everyone was sheltering at home then, Stanford saw that an online community event would be great to bring people together during that tough time. CodeInPlace consists of the first half of Stanford’s Intro to Computer Science Class CS106A, a very famous computer science class at Stanford, and among many computer science enthusiasts as well, and almost every student outside of Stanford dreams about taking CS106A class. However, now anyone can take the class, since it is online, for free, with another 10,000+ students, led by Chris Piech and Mehran Sahami as instructors, plus another 1000+ mentors that volunteer to help.

What makes CodeInPlace different you might wonder?

