The Case for Impeachment

Adam Parkhomenko
4 min readMay 3, 2019

The Democratic Party is in danger of blowing an enormous opportunity while emboldening lawless behavior and inviting more attacks from foreign adversaries. It is crucial that House Democratic leadership, with assistance from Senate Democrats and presidential candidates, announce that they are moving forward with impeachment hearings.

The political risks to doing so espoused by pundits and older Democrats who are unable to view the current situation through any lens that doesn’t include Bill Clinton’s 1990s impeachment trial are vastly outweighed by the risks of doing nothing or being perceived as doing nothing.

Many people in Washington — Democrats, media — spent the last two years thinking and hoping Robert Mueller would make the hard choices for them. He didn’t. So it’s on us.

If we fail to stand up to this behavior right now at this critical juncture, then we are dooming ourselves to a future where American democracy is fair game and under constant attack from hostile nations that want to pick their own American president.

Why we must impeach: We have already seen Trump and his top aides try to dismiss the 2016 Russian attacks as a small and meaningless social media campaign. Jared Kushner said this week that the investigation into the attacks did more damage to the U.S. than the attacks themselves, and Rudy Giuliani took…



Adam Parkhomenko

Dem Strategist, Consultant, Former DNC Field Director, Political Adviser Hillary Clinton. Dad. Ukrainian-American. Whatever order, son Cameron’s my life.