AI Worldviews: Similarities & Differences

Adam Thierer
5 min readJul 1, 2023


There are many different perspectives on artificial intelligence and AI policy, but I’ve come to think ​about four generalized worldviews. ​I refer to them as: ​

(1) Accelerationist​ AI Absolutist​ (“Cornucopian”)​;

(2) Optimistic​ AI Realist (“Modernizer”)​;

(3) ​Skeptical​ AI Realist (“Preservationist”)​; and

(4) ​Decelerationist AI Absolutist​ (“Catastrophist”)​.​

There are very interesting similarities and differences among the​se worldviews​, however. ​We can compare and contrast them along a linear spectrum, or we can bend the line and look at them a different way through the prism of “horseshoe theory,” where the extremes sometimes meet and the middle finds some common ground.

Here are some slides that I developed to tease out the similarities and differences between the worldviews I’ve identified. Of course, some will dispute the labels or feel they over-simplify complex, nuanced perspectives. I stand guilty as charged, but would hope others agree that the labels and generalizations I use here at least identify some of the common themes/perspectives unifying certain groups of people in the expanding AI policy wars. This is just my first cut at this; I aim to refine these slides in coming months as I receive feedback.

P.S. I borrow the contrasting terms of “Preservationists” vs. “Modernizers” from Robert D. Atkinson’s 2004 book, The Past and Future of America’s Economy​, but ​​I use these labels in a slightly broader way here.

Different ways to cut things: Linear vs. “Horseshoe Theory”

We can also find agreement among realists and absolutists

Additional Reading:



Adam Thierer

Analyst covering the intersection of emerging tech & public policy. Specializes in innovation & tech governance.