Adam Vazquez
2 min readAug 28, 2017
A Preseason Ranking that won’t lose you money

You love preseason rankings lists.

Just admit it.

As Football season draws closer and closer, we’re smack dab in the middle of what I like to call “Hot Takes Hades.” College Football rankings, fantasy football rankings, position rankings, fanbase rankings, band rankings…it’s ridiculous. Everyone needs to share their opinion of a generic Top 5 that they’ll inevitably regret two weeks into the season.

Well, we certainly can’t beat them which only leaves us one choice:


That’s right. We at Strafire have compiled the world’s top sports franchises that are creating content for their audiences and providing superior fan experiences. This was a strenous process that we won’t get into, but trust us when we say these franchises are the best of the best.

You’ll notice that “content” looks different for several of the Top 3. We’re looking at content as any piece of material that provides an experience or enhances the brand in some way.

Today, we’ll start with Number 3 and work our way to Number 1 in the coming week or two.With all that being said, let’s dive in:


seeing him wear this hat brings me visceral pain

This first one makes me cringe right off the bat. I am an avid Philadelphia Phillies fan (RIP competitive baseball), and have no love lost for the arm-chopping, cotton eyed joe singing, still-stuck-in-the-glory-of-the-90s Braves fans.

That doesn’t change the fact that the Braves organization has done a fantastic job incorporating digital content and technology into their fan experience.

The Braves started off this season by striking a chord with me and many southern-dwelling sports fans by getting Allen Iverson (pound for pound the GOAT) to rep their new stadium opening. This video was a scrappy production that the Braves marketing team pulled together over a matter of days to help hype the new Sun Trust Park. Brilliant.

They followed up the opening by offering the first ticket subscription model in the MLB. For just $39/month the Braves Monthly Pass allows fans to buy a subscription to any game they’d like to attend. The fan simply pulls up the app on gameday, indicates her intention to attend, and then receives standing-room only access via his phone when he arrives. Bravo (pun intended).

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This is Part 1 of 3 for our “preseason” franchise content production rankings. Check back for the top two teams in the coming week!!