How to Care for Thuja Saplings

Adam D
2 min readNov 1, 2022


Thuja green giants are some of the most popular landscaping trees for creating privacy screens and barriers in one’s home. These trees are extremely low maintenance and can grow tall with minimal care.

Most people who bring home tree saplings often have trouble keeping them healthy. It’s common for people to bring home healthy-looking plants from the garden center only to watch life fade away from their plants after a few days.

Thuja tree saplings require a little bit more care and attention than full-grown trees. They have specific soil requirements, watering schedules, and fertilizer needs. Read ahead to learn how to care for Thuja tree saplings.

Check Before You Make a Purchase

It’s crucial to ensure the seedlings or tree saplings you’re buying are in a good state. Do not purchase saplings that have withered leaves or brown edges.

Sometimes the leaves look like they’re healthy but could have root problems.

Check under the leaf for any signs of pests like mealy bugs or spider mites. These pests could even spread out in your garden and infest other plants.

Examine under the pot as well. If the roots look like they’re breaking through the drainage holes, it could mean the plant hasn’t been watered well.

When You Bring Your Plant Home

a tree sapling in the garden

Once you bring your Thuja tree sapling home, it’s important to maintain a consistent watering schedule to help the plant establish itself in your garden.

Once it’s been transplanted, water every day for a few minutes to ensure the water is properly reaching down to the roots.

A dried-out Thuja tree will start to have yellow or brown leaves. Remember to water daily until the roots firmly start growing into the ground.

Feeding and Fertilizing

Once your Thuja tree sapling grows new leaves and branches, it’s time to start feeding it with liquid fertilizer to provide it with adequate nutrients.

Providing your plant with nutrients encourages growth since plants require a blend of minerals to stay healthy. Ready to buy Thuja tree saplings for your garden? Buy high-quality Thuja trees from Thuja Gardens.

With over eighteen years of experience growing Thuja trees, they offer some of the most well-rooted and robust Thuja tree varieties that have well-developed root systems. Their pest-resistant and healthy tree varieties include the American pillar, Virginian arborvitae, and Japanese maples.

Drop them a message here to buy Thuja trees online today.

