Why I am running for Mayor of Gdańsk

Paweł Adamowicz
4 min readMar 5, 2018


Gdansk has become the leader of progress in our part of Europe. Taking advantage of its heritage and the values ​​of freedom and solidarity, it flourishes as a positive model for many cities in the world. The decision was not easy: I decided to run for the next term as a mayor of Gdańsk.

Mayor of Gdansk Pawel Adamowicz

The decision about running for me is dictated by a sense of responsibility for our city. In my heart, Gdańsk occupies the first place. Together with the inhabitants, I would like to develop a vision of Gdańsk — a city in which the fruits of development are shared by all.

Friendly and open Gdańsk

I want a modern, fair, friendly and open Gdańsk. Gdańsk, where everyone lives well, works, develops and brings up children. Gdańsk mindful of its seniors — the inhabitants of Gdańsk, who rebuilt our city from the post-war ruins. They deserve gratitude and respect for this, but above all, care.

It will be a huge challenge. Gdańsk has changed deeply. From a city marked by war scars and communism, it has become a modern metropolis. Recent years have been the foundation of the city’s development. We focused on large investments. And it worked! Like no other city in Poland, we used the development opportunities offered by the European Union funds.

Before and after. A new airport terminal and a commuting rail line were built thanks to the EU funding.

After these great changes, some even thought it would be difficult to propose something new. Meanwhile, in the expiring term, we focused on activities in the local districts: we have been renovating sidewalks, modernising lighting, building swimming pools, nurseries and kindergartens. We have increased funds for repairs of communal flats. We are developing a civic budget and the most modern forms of social dialogue, such as the citizens’ panel. All these are facts.

Local investments in districts became priority.
A new swimming pool in Stogi district.

Shift to education and social affairs

Our Gdansk, in order to live up to our expectations and ambitions, must have not only infrastructure: roads, trams, railways, airports, and high-speed internet, but it must attract and develop social capital: people who are supported by universities, cultural institutions, good quality education, schools, neighborhood houses, and, finally, strong communities. They are the key to development. Only such a city attracts investors, creates jobs, allows residents to feel truly at home.

Currently two educiation centers have been under construction in Gdansk.

In defense of democracy

Elections ahead of us will determine whether Gdańsk residents will continue to influence what is happening in our immediate vicinity. This is the time of the test.

The central government wants to take over the local government in cities and regions, which is the mainstay of democracy. They have already, piece by piece, destroyed everything important to us.

They have dismantled the free judiciary, constantly ruining the image of Poland in the world and trying to drive Poland out of the European Union. They destroy the free and democratic standards, falsify the latest history and question the rightful place for our true heroes like Lech Wałęsa.

In a word, they want to deprive us of pride in what we have achieved with huge effort in independent Poland after 1989. This state of affairs raises objections; not only mine — I know that many citizens think similarly.

Gdansk flags on March for Freedom, Warsaw May 2017

Elections ahead of us

Feeling the sense of responsibility for the future of our city, for our future, I have decided to run. I count on the support of all those who love Gdańsk. I believe that thanks to this support, a broad coalition will be created. Such a coalition should unite all political groups and civil communities that are a mainstay of democracy in our city.

If such a democratic strategy won in Gdansk, I believe that we would be a good example of stopping the undemocratic wave of populism that is now sweeping throughout Poland and the world.



Paweł Adamowicz

Prezydent Gdańska, członek Komitetu Regionów / Mayor of Gdansk, Member of the Committee of Regions ➡ www.adamowicz.plfb.com/Pawel.Adamowicz