How Adapted Mind Math Tailors Learning to Grade Levels

Adapted Mind Math
1 min readJun 22, 2017


An innovative online platform that helps students develop key math skills, Adapted Mind Math features more than 300,000 math problems. To motivate students, Adapted Mind Math offers various rewards in recognition of subject mastery. These rewards include badges that indicate where students stand in their current grade level.

Each time students complete a lesson in their current grade level, they receive a star badge. These badges provide students with a visual representation of their progress and act as milestones, offering students a sense of achievement as they push toward the larger goal of mastering their grade level.

Further, Adapted Mind Math tracks student progress through grade levels by using information from previous grades to adapt its offerings for the grades that follow. This ensures the identification of knowledge gaps in previous grade levels while making sure that students maintain their mastery of previously studied topics.



Adapted Mind Math

Adapted Mind to correctly set a child on the appropriate path to learning, the website’s advanced algorithms constantly review the student’s progress.