The Boy Known as Leeg17 and Scar Tissue

Nuri Sahin
11 min readApr 8, 2015

Firstly, I have no doubt that he’s been using a new account for the past six months. No doubt whatsoever. What it is, well, only the likes of Kensutz, scody and Cereal Rapper would know I’d be confident in saying.

I came across Leeg17 through the Call of Duty forum in after he added me one day on PSN out of the blue, I’d say back 2010, maybe late 2009, I can’t quite remember. We played and chatted near daily through COD, Twitter, Boards and Skype for the best part of 3 years up until the second quarter of 2013. We shared a love of COD, but we were studying in the same field somewhat, in that both are courses are to do with science, albeit him with regards to forensics and myself with pharmaceutical science. So there was a bond with regards to that too I suppose.

Leeg initially came across a soft spoken, fairly shy person. Someone I dare say lacking in confidence and the more we talked early doors, that was something he admitted was a character flaw of his. Lacking in confidence. Nevertheless, he seemed a genuinely nice guy and I shared my details of my life with him and him vice versa. I told him about my family background, be it do with my ethnicity, to my brothers with Autism and whatever else.

I mentioned it in my first and previous blog, but I stupidly got him to become a moderator, despite being warned against doing so. There were no logical reason I had, but to get a mate to work alongside me as I thought it’d be ‘good craic’ really. Cringe, I know. It was arguably the worst thing I did on Boards and it seemed to create a monster, though perhaps he was always like this, and he played me from the very off. Only he knows the answer on this.

I remember soon after this, the COD beers came along and I actually met the guy. He was still quiet, and it was hard to engage him in conversation for more than a minute or two at a time. It is amusing looking back seeing someone flirt with a woman we used to play COD with in the forum, yet shrivel up in front of her at the beers, probably in the literal sense too, the odd time he glanced at her. The next year, over the course of summer 2011 to 2012 that change really developed.

Moderating wise, he was awful. Once again, I said my piece on him in regards to the COD forum. Modding was basically a stepping stone for him into becoming more known and more liked. It wasn’t a role he was ready for or appreciated in other than playing the popularity game. When he was appointed mod of After Hours (AH), I was truly astonished. Astonished as to why he would be selected as mod for busiest forum, and baffled as why he was insane enough to take on busiest forum at the time. I even quizzed on him on this. Don’t get me wrong here, this isn’t jealously in the slightest. Moderating After Hours I’d only consider if paid! While I wanted my chance with the soccer forum, moderating a topic of interest in football was key. Leeg however was dealing with a different animal all together, and given what I saw with just the COD forum alone, there was no way in hell he’d be able to do a half decent job, let alone a decent one. He did tell me he applied for the job after the role was advertised in the moderator forum, because and in his own words, “he wanted another forum (under his name)”, this was around the time me and Shammy both had two forums we were moderating. He was even bragging on Skype a few weeks later how much of an easy job it was as all he’d have to do is not reply to any reported posts as he knew one of the other several AH mods would get around to dealing with stuff.

After I was permabanned, I found out from a AH mod at the time who worked alongside Leeg, Super Rush, he (Leeg) was actually selected due to them wanting newer mods to moderate the forum as they’d be less influenced I suppose. Truthfully, while I can understand the logic behind it, on such a forum, I don’t think it can be risked, so I was very much disagree in him being chosen or anyone being chosen in that manner. That and the fact he did nothing in the COD forum just compounded it. If you look at all the reported posts, despite me picking two mods, I was effectively still running the show in the COD forum, at least Shammy had family and a real life job to deal with. Leeg was on all the time. As I stated before, I had to be made the bad guy because of decisions Leeg particularly didn’t want to make in his quest to be ‘liked’.

Towards early to mid-2012, I had convinced him to get into the Battlefield game series. I played with 2–3 lads from Boards a fair bit for that handful of months before that, AaronH and Tok9. They were fellow Liverpool supporters like myself, so we get on grand and still do via Twitter. Anyway, Leeg was moaning about the lack of people to play COD with. He really wasn’t interested in Battlefield whatsoever, but eventually caved in. Again, something I very much regretted.

As I said above, I noticed a change his personality from the moment he became a mod. He was more bolder, more cockier and arrogant in his comments. He began making racial jokes on a daily basis, as well as the occasional Special Olympics/Down Syndrome joke(s) too, that despite knowing my family background with my brothers. I called him on the former as it was tiring and tbf, not even funny. I don’t mind racial jokes, sure, I crack the odd joke myself. Thing is, it’s occasional. Be it from me or any other mates who made a joke of that nature. Leeg was at it near every day from mid-2012 to the end of the year, and again, I even told him to cut it out privately, he did somewhat stop for a little while, but it resurfaced again. By then we weren’t really chatting as we once were. So I couldn’t be arsed saying anything to him about this.. for awhile anyway.

Next up was my betting. For those who don’t know, I was effectively gambling full time for the final year and a bit of my degree as there were no real jobs of note out there, and I was making a lot of money betting on sports (football, golf, NHLand NBA basketball primarily). I’m very open to being superstitious about one’s betting. When someone is on a run at the table, don’t fuck with them. They’re on a roll. Same with sports betting. Some people I genuinely believe are a jinx to put it politely. Leeg was one of them. When he followed my bets, my strike (win) rate was down to 25%. I was losing bets and thus, losing money that got me by. He found it amusing, laughing it off as he was betting €5–10 at a push. So what’s it to him really. I remember being on a 18 bet win streak in the NBA, and he hopped on bet 18 and I lost. There were a few examples of this, but he just didn’t get it. I had to create a separate betting chat on Skype for betting and chatting with the other lads to avoid him tailing my bets, though I heard one, possibly two of the lads from the chat were feeding him my NBA bets anyway in Scody94 or AaronH on Boards. I know it was not Aaron. But yeah, to say Leeg was a betting hex, jinx, curse, etc, etc. for me is putting it kindly. Fun games for him, livelihood for me. He simply cannot comprehend that.

On to him closing his original Twitter and Boards account. I apolgise for repeating myself here, but it’s better to be factually correct and give a clearer picture than not. Firstly, he had said he wanted to give his mod position to the poster, Cereal Rapist aka Cereal Rapper nowadays. I had met Cereal Rapist at the COD beers a couple of years ago, and I found him to be sound. Let me just state that, but I didn’t want him as a mod given I had been wanting to step down for a couple of months, but was waiting on the poster Lakeskeane to take over, if not him, than the moderator Splinter, that was if Leeg and Shammy even wanted another mod. Tbh, there was no need for a third moderator whatsoever. Leeg’s move took me off guard though. With Shammy there, we had an Xbox mod. With Leeg wanting out, and me wanting out, I wanted someone from the PlayStation side of things to keep that community within the COD Boards community going simply put as the original core had fallen out of love with the game really, including myself. I explained to Leeg my reasons for not wanting CR as mod as of right now as I had one or two people in mind instead. Leeg said he understood. A few days later without any notice, Cereal Rapist was a Call of Duty moderator. Lakeskeane not long after that said he had a change of mind and didn’t want to become mod. Splinter was less a part of the COD community himself and for that and not wanting a third mod for a forum that was on a decline ever since 2012, I’d have asked him to take over. I held on to my position longer than I attended to because of Leeg’s suddenness. Stuck between a rock and a hard place springs to mind. I didn’t know what to do.

I remember asking Leeg on Skype why he closed all his accounts — Twitter and Boards. He told me he went to a beers event in which I assume it was for The Nocturnal Forum or The Lock Inn Forum, I think it was the former, bit hazy on that detail. Tbh, I’m not sure if there was a beers event given his behaviour, he could well have made it up for all I know! Anyway, he had been talking to this woman from Boards daily online. He said he met her IRL at the beers and nothing happened despite him thinking there was some chemistry. He told me she was in her 30s and had a family, etc, but Leeg took her apparent rejection hard. He ended taking up heavy drinking and smoking as a result. Think the goths from South Park at the diner drinking coffee, that was what Leeg seemed like! It was all very bizarre. After my permaban, I found out the true reason for his closing of Boards, Twitter and I think Facebook account. He was stalking two women in there (Nocturnal Forum I think it was) and was posting pics of his cock both in PM and on the forum. So while I’m unsure now looking back of the beers story is true, the rest I was told by a former moderator I have no doubts is true given his more than creepy nature I’ve seen in regards to myself with harassing me on Twitter which I’ll get back to.

Leeg kept persisting with the tedious racial jokes of his towards me nonetheless. My patience was had reached the end of the rope after close to a year, if not a little beyond that. I referred to him as a ‘virgin’ in a Skype chat. Leeg, the one time he was insulted however, he totally lost it and completely distanced himself from me from that moment onwards.

Since then, he’s showed his true self to all. He was stalking me on websites like Battlelog, Twitter and Boards. On Battlelog he’d just abuse me. Twitter likewise, though he has created numerous accounts to do so as I would block him. He’s probably following me on Twitter still under a different alias as this goes live! On Boards, he’d play it by the book more or less. Just thanking every single one of my comments that was against my opinion for months, even going as far as to thank every comment of mine in the Soccer, Basketball, Gambling and Pro Wrestling forums within 2 week period. He’s actually banned from the basketball forum for this in fact. Himself and his fellow stalker of a voyeuristic, 40 year virgin chum that is Kensutz on Boards were persistent as hell. Heck, there was a stage last summer where I was damn close to closing my account, largely because of all this crap, thought it was mostly because I was tired of how poorly run the soccer forum was. I’ve also heard he has gotten Scody94 and one other person from Boards follow my Twitter account to report back in the past so he can follow my my NBA bets, though I’m unsure if there is any truth in that unlike everything else I’ve said here. Here’s him taunting me in March last year:

One of the lads told me a few other things about Leeg. One being that he has/had a girlfriend last year. What’s funny about that is that 1) he has/had one, I find that highly amusing tbh and 2) what he did to her. For those who don’t know, he installed some spyware onto her laptop which absolutely fucked it up and ruined it.

Also, one of the lads, Kells had access to his Skype and found these:

Oh, and Leeg if you read this, incase you think I did this? Cry me a river. You know full well, I ain’t got the foggiest notion as to how to do that shit. Nor have I asked anyone to hack you. Maybe, just maybe there’s more people that dislike you than you realise, heh:

Lastly, if some of the lads read this, they know who they are and some even know this already — The reason I stopped going on Skype under my ‘personal account’ (still use Skype for work) was because you’s remained friendly with him (and Ken) over all this somewhat. I don’t hold that against you now, but back around the time he was really acting the maggot, well, I did. I know some of you wish to not get involved in all this, but I found it really disappointing is all. I was the one that introduced you to him after all, and vice versa, so look at it from my perspective, please.

So with all that said, I hope people get a better grasp of the type of perverted scumbag that Leeg17/Scar Tissue is now. Kensutz and Scody94. He came across as a decent lad initially, but the slightest bit of power and boom, different person. Perhaps he was always a deranged pervert and it needed a catalyst for it to show itself. For the past year and a bit, he’s been a thorn in the side, hounding me constantly. I mentioned it to CMods, Mods and admin before, but they did sweet fuck all but for banning him from the basketball forum. I’ve done my upmost in trying to ignore him, doing so for up to five whole months at one point, but if you continue to jab, I’ll counter punch and lay you out. Combo breaker, bitch.

