The Ultimate Back & Biceps Calisthenics Workout

2 min readNov 30, 2023


Looking to burn fat and sculpt a thick, muscular back without lifting heavy weights? A calisthenics-only back and biceps workout is the perfect full-body solution. Focusing on compound pulling exercises is one of the best ways to build strength, definition, and confidence naturally through bodyweight training.

In this post, I’ll share my favorite calisthenics moves targeting the lats, traps, rear delts, and biceps along with a sample circuit you can follow for fast yet effective results. By continually progressing each exercise over time, you’ll maintain constant muscle confusion and growth stimulus to transform your physique from the back side.

Calisthenics Exercises for Back & Biceps

  • Pullups: Work up to different grips like underhand, neutral, and wide to hit the entire back. Progress to one-arm pull-ups.
  • Horizontal Rows: Use a resistance band or TRX straps to row for wide lats. Try kneeling, standing, and one-arm variations.
  • Inverted Rows: Suspended or on a bar, inverted rows torch the upper back. Elevate feet for more range and tension.
  • Supermans: Lie face down and raise arms straight out to the side with an extended back for rear delt development.
  • Bent-Over Rows: A band anchored low and under the feet provides variable resistance. Pull to chest focusing on squeezing shoulder blades.
  • Bicep Curls: Use a light band or dumbbells held close to the body. Try concentration curls and hammer curls too.

Sample Back & Biceps Calisthenics Circuit

Perform each exercise consecutively with no rest in between for 3 rounds, resting 2 minutes between rounds.

  1. Pullups x Failure
  2. Horizontal Rows x Failure
  3. Inverted Rows x Failure
  4. Supermans x 15 on each side
  5. Bent Over Rows x Failure
  6. Bicep Curls x Failure

Once the circuit becomes easy, progress it by increasing reps, adding weight with a vest, or elevating feet/body position for added challenge. Consistency is key — devote at least one day per week solely to back and biceps development through calisthenics.

Proper form, mind-muscle connection, and gradually increasing intensity will ensure your back thickness and arm size continue growing without weights. Let me know if you need any exercise form tips or have additional questions! visit




Psychologist and writer sharing practical advice for emotional health and fitness: