Angel Castro-Y-Argiz-Thesis (Essay Example)

Adele Green
2 min readJul 1, 2024


Angel Castro Y Argiz was a prominent figure in Cuban history, known for his pivotal role in the overthrow of Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista, which ultimately led to the rise of Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution. Born in 1875 in Spain, Castro Y Argiz immigrated to Cuba at a young age and became involved in politics at a time of great social and political upheaval in the country. His thesis focused on the need for social and economic reforms to address the widespread poverty and inequality that plagued Cuban society. Castro Y Argiz’s thesis argued that the only way to achieve true independence and prosperity for the Cuban people was through a socialist revolution that would redistribute wealth and power to the working class. He believed that the existing capitalist system was fundamentally flawed and incapable of addressing the needs of the majority of the population. His ideas were heavily influenced by Marxist philosophy and the revolutionary movements sweeping across Latin America at the time. Through his work as a journalist and political activist, Castro Y Argiz was able to disseminate his ideas and build support for the revolutionary cause. He was a charismatic and persuasive speaker, able to mobilize people from all walks of life to join the fight against the Batista regime. His leadership was instrumental in organizing the underground resistance and laying the groundwork for the eventual victory of the revolution. In conclusion, Angel Castro Y Argiz’s thesis laid the foundation for the Cuban Revolution and the establishment of a socialist government in Cuba. His ideas continue to influence political movements in Latin America and beyond, serving as a reminder of the power of grassroots organizing and the importance of addressing social and economic inequalities. Castro Y Argiz’s legacy lives on in the continued struggle for social justice and equality around the world.


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