Personal Trainer App UX/UI Design Challenge Case Study

3 min readDec 26, 2018


The Problem

The Personal Trainers industry has experienced steady growth over the five years to 2017, fueled by rising demand for weight-loss services and greater interest in customized workout regimes.

Rising disposable income over the next five years will enable a greater share of consumers to spend on higher-priced personal training sessions. Moreover, the percentage of Americans who are overweight or obese is expected to increase over the five years to 2022, fostering greater demand for industry services.

This was the brief from the UXmas design challenge. The challenge was to design a product that allows workout trainers to design a workout plan for their clients.

My solution is called schedx a product for personal trainers to keep track of their clients workouts and progress as they are being scheduled in.

The Opportunity

My process during this challenge was to think in the perspective a personal trainer rather than a client of a personal trainer. There are about 270,000 personal trainers in the United States and on average personal trainers see 4–5 clients a day. Personal trainers on average see their clients about two times a week. Because managing their clientele of varying skillsets throughout the week can be tasking and overwhelming, I outlined these “How might we” statements:

  • How might we keep track of the schedule of our clients?
  • How might we create a new workout plan for our clients?
  • How might we take notes in regards to each workout session with our client?

The Process

I first began looking at apps like NikeFit and Apptiv to gain some design inspiration and best determine how schedx can fit into the market. The scheduling aspect is missing in both of these applications as well as the ability for any personal trainer to come up with workouts specifically for their clients. Keeping this and my “How might we” in mind. I came up with these basic prototypes:

The Outcome

After some quick sketching and looking through dribbble for some design inspiration, these are my final results:

High-Def Mockups Created using Figma

I had based the calendar design based on Google Calendar’s look and feel. I wanted to show the creation of workouts as a to-do app style as well. At a basic level this does solve the problem of allowing personal trainers to create workouts for their clients but some ways this can be improved are:

  • Building a community feature to allowing personal trainers to connect with one another and share and create workouts
  • Allow personal trainers to share the workouts with their clients

If you’re curious, you can check out the prototype here on figma.

In Retrospect

This was my first UX Design Challenge, and as a new UX/UI designer, I would have to say it was a lot of fun to have something different that I can include in my portfolio. The challenging aspect of this was that I really didn’t have a pool of people in my network that I could leverage to do more extensive research to really make this first iteration even better. I look forward to receiving any and all feedback that you may have.




Full Stack Developer. UX/UI Designer. MacScientist. Creator of Society x Tech