Q & A with Dianna: Are No-Code Products the Final Products?

4 min readApr 30, 2019


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Dianna Allen is a graphic designer, mostly within the product label and packaging niche. She is originally from St. Louis, Missouri but works remotely and has been traveling since 2017 and is currently in eastern Europe. Her favorite past time is hanging out on her balcony in the sun and enjoying music. She is the creator of Remetea an application that helps you pick your favorite drink based on your mood. Her product won the Product Hunt Makers Festival in the Wellness Category. I asked her her thoughts on creating a no code product. Read on to find out her thoughts.

What is Remetea? What inspired you to create the product?

Remetea is a simple pocket app that helps you find the perfect tea to drink, based on how you’re feeling.

Since I’ve been traveling for a couple years now, I’ve been looking into more healthy and cost-efficient solutions to every day problems. Initially, I wanted to make the app about tea and its healing properties that can be used for beauty. However, I wanted this app to appeal to the masses, so I simplified the problem. I thought instead, “how can tea help you?” and once that came to my mind, I knew exactly how I wanted to present Remetea.

The name, Remetea, also came naturally as I kept repeating ‘remedy’ over and over again. Eventually, it just clicked to add the twist with tea!

Why did you decide to use a no-code platform in order to create your product? Did you consider using code to build your product?

I never had a plan to build this product before I learned of Product Hunt’s Makers Fest, the no code edition. I just casually signed up, thinking that maybe I will participate. Within an hour, the decision to build Remetea was already in place!

If I had this idea before learning about the no code Makers Fest, then I would have used code 100% to build it.

How did you feel using a no-code framework? Did you Encounter any limitations or frustrations?

I feel really good about using no code. I’ve always dabbled with no code products, as I didn’t learn to code until recently in November. I feel like because I’m still new to coding, I can still appreciate no code as sometimes it’s quicker building this way.

I did encounter quite a few frustrations and limitations, I blame the designer in me. With Coda, there was only a set amount of design elements to choose from. I really wanted to have Remetea’s interface stand out, but at the end of it all, I had to settle with something a little more simple than I wanted. But, the overall app was a hit, regardless of its design, which just proves to me that it really was a good idea to execute.

Do you have any plans on making any enhancements to Remetea? If so, what? Are you going to continue using Coda?

I’m actually already in the process of enhancing Remetea. I’m building a platform to educate and spread awareness about the benefits of tea. From using it as a health aid to self-care tips, and even learning about the overall tea culture.

I won’t be using Coda to expand on this project, as it will be much larger than it currently is and I want complete ownership of the project. But, I will keep it available as it is now on Coda.

In your opinion, can a no-code framework be scalable? Can it satisfy all your needs without the need for code?

I believe this is a case by case scenario. The enhancements and growth with Remetea could honestly be done with no code options, as it’s mostly content-based. But, if you want to build the next big social media network or a banking app — no code is not your solution. That doesn’t mean you can’t use it as an MVP for validation, like I did. Now I know people enjoy the idea and I’m confident in expanding it.

Thank you Dianne for taking the time to let me interview you and share your insight. Follow Remetea on Twitter to stay tuned for updates as it continues to expand! If you’re working on something and would like to be featured in a future edition of Society x Tech fill out this form here.




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