Day 1 — We Start the Challenge.

2 min readNov 1, 2018


Random Ramblings

Today is the 1st of November, it’s time to keep the promise of writing everyday, today will be an introduction to who I am basically or what I believe I think I am.

My name is Adeoluwa Allen, A graduate of Pure and Applied Mathematics from the University of Ilorin ( sighs, graduated 7 years ago and I still don’t have a clue of life, who would have “thunk”). Spent most of my life in Ilorin, and I appreciate not growing up in Lagos daily, I really do not have a lot of friends.

I moved to Lagos in 2016 to start a career in Tech, but let me just say things did not work out as I thought it would and I don’t major in it again, currently in a new field and space after conquering a different field in the past 20 months; It has been an adventure so far and that has been something.

I am actually handsome, even though Mira, Ify and my Sister will argue to death about my handsomeness and awesomeness, fun fact — I hate when I am told I am handsome, I just like saying it because it pisses a lot of people off and makes them tick. I LOVE being anonymous a whole lot. I support A.S Roma and . .

I will also say I have always been above average, Ify always says I am very intolerant and can’t stand people, I am working on that I believe, That may be a reason I don’t have a lot of friends, but the few I have are remarkable and very incredible I am happy they are my friends from time to time.

I am a guru in the music space, that I must say, having experience in almost every facet of music and the music business, ranging from Production, Engineering, Sound Recording, PR, Branding, Distribution and so much more that really can’t be quantified or described which makes my resume look incredibly scanty. Before my current position, I have worked in Research — I hate and loathe the 2 years I spent there, I learnt a lot but I still hate that phase of my life with a passion I also have experience in Software, Hardware, Business Development, and will genuinely want to have experience in Finance and Investment, Let’s just see how it goes . .

This is an introduction, now it’s looking like there will be so much to write about in 30 days, I look forward to it, and also, definitely my writing getting better daily.

Tomorrow, I will be talking about music mostly and yes I have a girl and she . . .

Catch y’all tomorrow

