Ingenium – launching
the first Fashion

4 min readMar 19, 2015


How Ingenium came to fruition in an organic way…
As an amateur fashion photographer in Los Angeles, I (Valentin Lieu) was aware that there is an abundance of fashion talents, yet a struggle to find an effective networking tool that could promote collaboration and showcase portfolios in an effective way.

While there are existing platforms, they are web-based exclusively and, in most cases, cluttered and overloaded with irrelevant information.

Over pizza and conversations with other fashion enthusiasts, we brainstormed on possible ways to create a more effective platform. Ideas included various versions of websites as incubators for talent promotion.
In the end, we were convinced that an app would be the most effective and engaging solution. We wanted it to be more than just a tool, we wanted it to be the platform for a connected and empowered fashion community. The vision is only possible if users can exercise professional goals and expand their network and knowledge.

After much research, fueled with my relentless entrepreneurial urges, I set out to create ING APP as a new networking tool for fashion talents.

First UI Concepts

Build Brand and Identity

The word ‘Ingenium’ has it’s roots in Latin, meaning ‘innate’, ‘natural quality’, intelligence’, ‘natural capacity’. Throughout history, it was employed by prominent influencers as reference to special talent or unusual capability (i.e. Descartes)

This word was perfect to encompass our brand, hence our namesake, Ingenium. Internally, it serves as a reminder that we strive to provide for the best talents. Externally, we are compelled to deliver the message that we represent a community of special talents, gifted with intelligence, capabilities, and creativity.

For the logo design, once again, we looked to history for inspiration. Together with our Design-Agency we were compelled to choose the ancient Greek laurel wreath as our icon. It embodies the promise of victory, fame, success, and honor.

Our design strategy was to strike a balance between old and new, which resulted in a simplified and contemporary twist on the traditional look.

Ingenium Brand


After checking many Profiles on Adobe’s Behance, Adicto was selected to provide the branding and image of Ingenium. They are responsible for the design of brand, app, website and related marketing materials.

In close collaboration with Adicto, we brainstormed on the brand strategy of Ingenium which is marked by a simple but strong message: A clean and sober aesthetic, cohesive through different techniques and mediums to allow the talent’s work to take center stage.

Adicto goes above and beyond to deliver a remarkable experience through the app. Their vision is to ‘design with passion, love, and addiction. And we enjoy working with individuals who share the same views.’

Reduced User Interface

Adicto is an award winning design studio based in Switzerland. The studio has an extensive body of work with focus on branding, creative and web design. Approaching each project with a constant pursuit for perfection, they listened to our needs and offered concepts and ideas that truly brought forward our brand and identity.

Visit Adicto’s Website


The app development was executed by LTW, under the leadership of founder Robert Markovski. Involved from the inception of the idea, LTW worked in close collaboration with the team and successfully translated goals of UX and UI into a quality final product.

LTW continuously solves complex programing issues and stays one step ahead in offering solutions that are time and cost effective.

Regardless of the programming complexity, the flow of UX/UI remains intact and the design of the app was beautifully implemented as originally intended.

“As much as I am a nerd about programming and solving a problem in a creative way, I especially enjoy the product visually compelling. I think we have achieved it with Ingenium.” — Robert Markovski, LTW

LTW, based out of Macedonia, specializes in app development on a versatile project scale. They have successfully completed and launched numerous apps that are available both on the App Store and Google Play.

Get Ingenium App

With the completion of Ingenium, the team has created a tool that offers enormous value to the fashion community.

It is now in your hands to build momentum and to help grow the collection of the special talents, namely Ingenium.

For Apple iOS

For Android




Adicto is a design studio specialized in branding and graphic design. We love doing integrated communication for brands, that’s what we call Multichannel.