How To Build Your Portfolio As A Professional Full Stack Web Developer

Adil Mishra
3 min readApr 13, 2018


Professional Web Developer Portfolio

One of the toughest exercise need to do as a beginner Full stack developer is to prepare an online portfolio.

  • What should I say?
  • What should I include?
  • What should I leave out?

It is important that every Job seeker need to work on portfolio because Recruiters searching for a sophisticated on-line portfolio containing projects which illustrating the mastery that you say that you have.

So, If you’re stuck, take a look at these Tips for inspiration.

1- Keep Important Thing In The Spotlight

Important Thing In The Spotlight

This is your adventitious to appearance that you actually apperceive your stuff — that actually annihilation that applicant requests, you’re able of affairs it off. For that reason, it’s simple to get trap into the allurement of abstraction your portfolio abounding with every accessible unnecessary information.

so, resist the temptation to do things just because you add, and instead focus on the things that actually add value to your portfolio. That’ll help you skip the unnecessary features and add-ons and finally keep the most important thing in the spotlight: your work & Skills.

2- Share Knowledge

Knowledge Is Power

And I like asking questions, to keep learning; people with big egos might not want to look unsure

— — — Heston Blumenthal, Michelin-rated chef

Your portfolio need to be look a like that you are sharing your learning from your last job, reading books, watching video tutorials etc. It shows that you love to explore new concepts & share it with others.

Example:- you have recently acquire a knowledge From full stack course so you can add your learning in the portfolio. You can add latest concept learnt from particular guide or solution you applied for any difficulty.

learn full stack web development

3- Add Reviews

world needs to know(Specially recruiter) that what other people are saying good things about you.


if you have worked on any project as a freelancer then you can add your Upwork review link in portfolio. your recruiter must need to now how expertise you are in particular field. LinkedIn is the best way to showcase your expertise which approved by others.

4- Add A page Of Influencers

Include a important tweets, post & updates of influencers, including the portfolio sites of accompany whose plan you admire, additional gurus, mentors, and schools. This affectionate of generosity against others reflects able-bodied on you, and it gives the analytical something to do after your accepting to add a ton of content.



Adil Mishra

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