Glossary of Drive-to-Web terminology
5 min readApr 17, 2018


Few years ago, the Drive-to-Web — i.e. the digital impact of TV spots — emerged as a pivotal concept for TV advertisers . This new phenomenon generated new practices and its own terminology. Fingerprinting, TV-exposed visitors, Baseline… One can easily get lost! That’s why we redacted those 25 definitions in our Glossary of Drive-to-Web Terminology. We hope that it will help Marketing enthusiasts grabbing all the keys to understand the mysterious word of Drive-to-Web.


Increase in traffic for an advertiser, typically within 4 to 10 minutes following the airing of a television ad. At, the impact time during which the traffic contribution is taken into account is not based on a global average: it is specifically modelled for each TV ad using our technology.


Also referred to as persistence, this is an ad’s ability to engage visitors beyond its immediate airing, in the following hours/days. This data makes it possible to analyse the effect of a TV campaign’s digital notoriety. There is a positive correlation between the direct and indirect contribution.


Analysis that makes it possible to measure to what extent television contributed to the visits and conversions logged within the advertiser’s online environment. This data is used by marketing teams to integrate television into the digital acquisition funnel and refine contribution models.


Average percentage that an advertiser’s traffic increases in the minutes after a TV ad has aired.


Reference traffic level that will be used to calculate the TV incremental reach. This baseline is intended to represent the level of traffic which would have been experienced without TV ads. At, the baseline is entirely dynamic.


Simultaneous airing of several ads affecting the advertiser’s traffic: the attribution of the TV incremental reach seen on the site must then be divided between the different channels and/or ads.’s technology can dynamically disassociate the impact of ads during collisions to avoid the biases inherent in exclusively using static indicators such as the GRP.


Type of impact curve frequently seen while tracking a TV campaign. The usage of the site increases sharply at the start of the campaign, then slowly diminishes. This could indicate the exhaustion or saturation of the target. This, therefore, creates a “linear decrease” impact curve.


Another type of curve that can be seen while tracking a TV campaign: the increase in visits may remain stable with constant gains until the campaign is stopped, forming the shape of a plateau. This is the case for ads that engage a large audience without saturating it.


Marketing action which consists of boosting an advertiser’s online promotional presence when their TV ad airs, or during a favourable context. Thanks to real-time ad detection, it’s possible, for example, to increase the advertiser’s Adwords bids while, or just after, their ad airs in order to engage as many TV viewers online as possible.


Dayparts are the result of dividing a day of television programming into sections, usually into quarters. These sections differ in their prices and audience. The most common are, in chronological order: Breakfast time, Daytime, Peak, Post peak, and Night time.


The impact of a TV campaign that invites the target to download an advertiser’s application. 14% of people have downloaded a brand’s application after seeing this type of advertisement.


The DTW indicator measures a TV campaign’s ability to draw visitors to the advertiser’s online environment. The average traffic increase for an advertiser in the minutes after their television ad airs is 37%2.


“Gross Rating Point”: indicator of advertising pressure used, among others, for television. The GRP is an indicator that takes into account target coverage and message repetition: GRP = coverage in % x average repetition. Two different ads with equivalent GRPs will not necessarily generate the same engagement, hence the need to decorellate the DTW and GRP.


Technology which makes a binary representation of an image and/or sound possible. This procedure is used in video and/or audio stream recognition technologies to identify the broadcast of a TV or radio advertisement in real time.


Television viewer who engages online to search for a product or brand after having seen the advertiser’s television ad.


The entirety of indicators used in evaluating the DTW performance of ads — primarily visits, conversions, and costs. By combining them with other information (GRP, Dayparts, Versions, days, etc.), we obtain an exhaustive analysis grid regarding the television campaign’s impact and ROI. DTW KPI analysis is the first step toward TV optimisation.


Type of consumption consisting of using several screens at the same time. 80% of TV viewers use another screen in front of the television. The development of multitasking notably lets us create scenarios with links between offline and online.


Multitasking characterized by simultaneous and obligatory usage of two screens during a well-defined and time-limited interaction opportunity. For example: “Shazam this ad”.


Type of multitasking where a first screen incites the use of a second. Usage of the two screens may be done in rapid succession or with a longer delay in between. For example: visiting a website in the 10 minutes following a television ad or the day after.


Third common type of curve that appears when certain TV ads are engaging a very reactive target that is quickly exhausted and then replaced with another target that needs repetition to be engaged. The impact curve is then in the shape of an “M”.


Code provided by a third-party analytics solution that is then integrated into the source code of the advertiser’s website. This tag aims to attribute user visits and actions/conversions to a specific television ad in order to further media optimisation.


Act of measuring and analysing the impact of a TV ad on a website or application’s traffic and conversion. The challenges of TV tracking have grown with the spread of multitasking as well as the challenges of readability and of mastering television media.


Internet user that can be attributed to a television ad.


Marketing action consisting of retargeting a TV-to-Digital Visitor using a digital format to re-engage them in order to maximise their conversion potential.


Collecting information about visitors attributed to television ads makes it possible to create a profile typical of targets susceptible to a TV campaign. Internet users matching this profile can thus be targeted via online campaigns that increase the advertiser’s reach and engagement. These “look-alike” profiles could also be called twin profiles.



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