Say “Hallo!” to Marta, Our Newest Theme

Adobe Portfolio
2 min readJul 21, 2016


Named after Behance member Marta Veludo, an Art Director out of Amsterdam, Marta is an all new theme. It has a few theme-specific details that can help your creative portfolio stand apart.

Fixed Navigation

Marta’s horizontal navigation is unique from other theme: it’s fixed to the top of the page and can be customized to change color as you scroll to match the color or pattern of your site.

Fixed Gutters

For those seeking a seamless look from desktop to mobile phone, Marta is fully centered from logo to footer with fixed gutters to keep your Project Covers in a clean, organized grid.


By default, Marta has the Masthead feature turned on so you can make a bold statement right away. Welcome pages, “about me” blurbs, or a call-to-action are a few ways we’ve seen members use Masthead so far, but the area is extremely versatile.

“Marta in White”
“Marta in Black”
Static navigation

Ready to give Marta a try? Head over to Theme and select Marta or check out a live example site .



Adobe Portfolio

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