Healthcare Mobile App Development and mHealth Apps in 2017

5 min readApr 21, 2017


The terms “healthcare mobile app development” and “mHealth apps” have emerged not so long ago. In fact both were introduced to the public in response to the global digitalization of almost every aspect of our lives, including such vital spheres as health and wellness. So no wonder that mobile apps in healthcare are in demand today not only among patients, but also among physicians.

First and foremost, it’s very convenient to have your smartphone working for your health. Your mobile device can track a state of health and signal if something goes not according to the plan. In addition mHealth apps allow doctors to refer to the medical history of their patients remotely. Thus they can urgently provide some advice or feedback. All this makes the mHealth apps market an irresistible opportunity for medical business owners to drastically expand their market niche and provide better service to patients.

In this article we’ll look deeper into the global market of mHealth apps, its trends and best examples of healthcare mobile app development. Thus the owners of medical institutions, medical startups, healthcare businesses and independent physicians may find this info useful if they consider to launch their own mHealth app any time soon.

mHealth Apps Market: Situation, Trends & Projections

In 2016 the global number of mHealth apps has reached 259000 apps. Today there are over 59000 mHealth app publishers on the main app stores worldwide, and the trend is only rising. In fact healthcare mobile app development industry is one of the fastest growing today. To confirm this the global mHealth app market grows at tremendous 32.5% CAGR and by the end of 2017 it will reach $26 billion in revenue. Impressive, isn’t it?

When speaking about the choice of a particular mobile platform over 70% of mHealth app publishers choose both iOS and Android platforms. So future mHealth business owners must consider multi-platform app development right from the start in order to succeed.

In regards to the predictions, the global market for mobile medical apps is projected to reach $102.43 billion by 2022. Today the largest market of healthcare and medical mobile apps is the USA. Top trending mobile healthcare app markets that are predicted to grow at the fastest speed within the next 5 years are the Asian-Pacific region, Latin America and Europe.

You may wonder what major driving forces of the global mHealth market are. First of all, it’s a really fast adoption of tablet devices and smartphones in the healthcare industry. This follows from the fact that such adoption could not be possible without advanced 3G and 4G networks, progressive connectivity technologies and solutions out there. Another prerequisite of the market growth is an ongoing increase in demand for medical mobile apps among doctors. Furthermore, physicians now use medical apps for monitoring their patients’ health remotely more often than before. At the same time more and more patients become aware of the possibility of their chronic disease management using special mHealth apps.

mHealth Apps Segmentation

Healthcare mobile app development involves creation of mHealth apps of the following segments:

  • Chronic care management apps. They include mHealth apps for managing blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, mental health, other illnesses.
  • Medical Apps. They are various diagnostic apps, medical apps that generate awareness among patients. Also those are the apps that create alerts, apps that serve as medical reference for patients and physicians etc.
  • Healthcare and Fitness Apps. Different nutrition apps, health-tracking, fitness and weight loss apps belong to this segment.
  • Women’s Health Apps, which include pregnancy, fertility, breastfeeding apps and other.
  • Medication Management Apps. These mHealth apps include all apps that help to keep track of taking medication in order to improve its adherence among patients.
  • Personal Health Record Apps. They are the applications that allows patients to store their medical conditions data, allergies etc. and share it with their doctors.

Best Healthcare Mobile App Development Examples

Let’s look at the most interesting instances of mHealth apps of different sectors.

ChronicCareIQ is one of the good examples of a chronic care management app. The main functionality of the app lets patients answer questions remotely on a daily basis. As a result, doctors are able to get that data from patients and analyse it. Also physicians get alerts to prevent worsening of their patient’s chronic disease.

Medisafe is another mHealth app that is worth your attention. It’s one of the most popular medication management apps today. What it effectively does is that it virtually serves as a pillbox on your smartphone. The app stores the schedules of pills intake and their dosage, differentiates all pills by color using image capturing. How does the patient get reminders to take a pill? The app sends push notifications to the patient’s smartphone or makes phone calls automatically if the patient doesn’t have it.

WebMD Symptom Checker app for Android and iOS mobile devices is very useful for keeping the well-being of both children and adults. The app lets users choose the part of the body that troubles them, select symptoms they or their kids experience and get info about potential conditions. Physicians prove and review all the medical data in the WebMD app. Combined with user-friendly, slick design the app is one of the most popular mHealth apps used by Android and iOS users today.

For its clients in healthcare industry Adoriasoft has also developed a number of mHealth apps for medication management, women’s health and medical purposes. Being under NDA, the mHealth apps by Adoriasoft were created both for Android and iOS, utilizing the best practices of UX design, performance stability and data security. One of them allows to significantly simplify the process of taking pills both for men and women, making scheduling and pill dosage easy and safe. For physicians Adoriasoft has also developed another medical app that serves as a medical reference helping doctors to diagnose patients and implement appropriate treatment.


To wrap up it’s important to emphasize that healthcare mobile app development is one of the leading spheres today. It opens a variety of opportunities for medical institutions, their owners, doctors and nurses. The future of mHealth apps and healthcare mobile app development is now. So it’s high time to join the trend and develop mHealth app for your patients and doctors. Adoriasoft can effectively help you with this task — just contact us today and we’ll provide you with a free estimate as well as the full range of our medical app development capabilities.




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