3 min readOct 3, 2017


The Japanese and the Amish have the solution to our gun insanity!

The weapons law of Japan states “No one shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords”, and very few exceptions are allowed.

Japan’s gun death rate per 100,000 is .01 per yr. The US gun death per 100,000 is over 3.7 per yr. over 30,000 of our fellow Americans will die by the gun of the hand.

The Amish teach their children that a gun is for hunting wild game and any other use is a sin. They do not serve in the military. They reject the use of violence, even in self-defense.

America’s issue is not guns America’s issue is the culture of violence.

America has a culture of violence whose origins can be traced from Christopher Columbus to Thirteen Colonies to Revolutionary War to Civil War to our Imperial Wars (Spain, Mexico etc…) to Cold Wars Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Cuba and on and on and on…

Some will argue that now is not the time to discuss U.S. gun laws. This point of view in my opinion is one of the roots of America’s soup of challenges from Gay Rights, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, New Imperialism, Wall Street crime, Healthcare Insecurity, Housing Insecurity, Homelessness, Food Insecurity, Violence towards the poor, Women’s Rights, Military Industrial Complex, Prison Industrial Complex, Abandoned War Vets, old opioid addiction, new opioid addiction plagues, and on and on and on…

America is not the shining city on the the hill! Capitalism is not Democracy. Cigarettes cause lung cancer.

The planet is warming and Mother Nature will have her way! Let’s not talk about it now it’s not the time. America is becoming tribal like old/new Europe with the help of politics of anger manipulated by clever Russian/American Cyber Propaganda. Over 30,000 of our fellow citizens will die from guns in 2017, how many Amish and Japanese will die by the gun of the hand this year? Let’s not talk about it… and on and on and on.




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