Your Own Private Balcony Garden Ideas

Advaitha Ventures
3 min readJun 12, 2017


There is no better place than the garden for enjoying the sun and fresh air. When talking about a garden, the first thing that pops in the mind is the vast grass, lush flowers and the magnificent water features as well as comfortable garden benches and much more.

Regardless of how small the balcony is, with some bold and smart ideas, one can have a small outdoor oasis that is full of life. Lovely pots with flowers, bright fabrics, decorative pillows and painted floor can make a small balcony garden look colourful and lively.

1. Sunny-Side Up!

If the balcony garden is sunny and bright, plant Citrus trees because they love the sun, making a sunny balcony the ideal location for growing your own fruit.

2. Scrap Wood

Simplistic and rustic describe the perfect balcony garden. Vertical space can be used in the garden combining rustic wood elements with light creating a cozy space.

3. MicroPark: Is a tiny yard and garden on balcony possible? When creating a balcony garden design, one can have both! Using AstroTurf on your balcony floor, you can create a yard in the city or on your apartment balcony.

4. Vertical Terracotta: Never underestimate the power of hooks when balcony gardening. They are great for hanging baskets or hanging terra cotta pots. This idea utilises a simple eye hole hooks and connects the pots using metal rods, washers, and bolts. Artistic, yet

5. Culinary Touch-Up: This balcony garden idea proves that one can grow a wide variety of edible food and in a small space. When planning a vertical balcony garden, be sure to drill holes in the bottom of each level to allow water to pass through. This simple revision will keep the plants from developing root rot and will help prolong the life of the wood.

Garden balconies can create an abundance of edible crops, greenery, and flowers. As an extension of your home, they have the advantage of being an outdoor room with many uses. The Balcony garden is cost-effective with a guaranteed return of investment, be it in the form of home-grown produce or simply your getaway spot right at your home.



Advaitha Ventures

Spread over 3.5 acres, Advaitha Aksha comprises 4 blocks of ground plus 12 storey towers with just 170 three & four bedroom ultra luxury apartments in Bangalore