What is Advento?

3 min readSep 2, 2018


Advento is a crypto startup working as a marketing platform and based on 2 Blockchains and one AI.

We are an enthusiastic team of professionals with fire in our eyes who will definitely make this thing work well.

Advento is a place where advertisers, publishers and other marketing platforms meet to work in a mutual environment, which will enable advertisers to cover maximum audience possible. Our objective is to make online marketing transparent, self-improving and clear of cheated out traffic, while also making it free and independent. To provide the best possible tools for targeting and auditory analysis.

What is our mission?

On our platform, we are happy to welcome all bloggers, website or portal owners, forum admins, in the eyes of the platform these are potential marketing sites, where adverts could be run for a profit.

We increase the efficiency of marketing campaigns of advertisers and advertising agencies that want to have a more accurate targeting, absolute transparency and to remove the possibility of fraud.

Other marketing platforms can rent other sites to run adverts or lease your own sites in case there aren’t enough advertisers or publishers.

Key features of ADVENTO:

  • We protect from cheating and fraud
  • We provide the opportunity to rent other sites and lease your own
  • We use artificial intelligence
  • We have Double Blockchain: financial and logical
  • Own analytical system
  • We use the principle of absolute transparency
  • We ensure every effective form of advertising is present
  • We have flexible targeting tools

Apart from that, we ensure massive audience coverage by combining Advento’s audience with other marketing platforms; we guarantee transparency up to every click and view and the opportunity to market your product exclusively to a specific audience.

With us, you save time you spend on creating, tweaking and optimizing your marketing campaigns and bypass ad blocking extensions such as AdBlock and others.


On the contrary to many current systems that use a third-party mechanism of detecting fraudulent behavior, we have developed our own technology to prevent fraud by analyzing users’ behavior, key characteristics and historical data.

What are 2 Blockchain for?

With the help of Blockchain we made online advertising become crystal clear and prevent any type of budget leaks. The function of the first chain is to record financial information, the other one is re- served for logical data. That’s why Advento manages to record the information about every ad click, and also about every ad view. That way we can guarantee the absolute transparency and allow you to fully control your expenses on marketing.

Artificial intelligence is used for the enhanced targeting possibilities

Advento uses audience segments as the main targeting system. These segments are based on hundreds upon thousands of different factors, which include both classical targets as well as audience interests.

The advantages of using this method are obvious

  • 100 % accurate target audience that can be stored for future usage
  • The platform automatically optimises any marketing campaign, increasing their efficiency
  • You can use Advento’s audience segments when targeting on other platforms
  • High CTR and conversion rate when using Advento

How can you benefit from our own analytical platform?

Advento keeps track of a number of user’s characteristics and records the information about their visited pages. Then, using a neural network, it analyses the data and predicts short-term and long-term interests of this user. Afterwards, this information is used to accurately target the target audience, to build the Look-alike model and to optimize the marketing campaign.




A new blockchain-powered platform that aims to change the way you approach marketing