Who Created the Universe?

5 min readApr 4, 2023



Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahmeen — (Starting) with the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

Hi there my fellow truth seeker friends, today i’m going to cover 2 questions, “Who Created Universe” and “Who Created God”?, but before going any further we need to know that we can only think back in the time and we can not think or imagine beyond time and the time is also a creation of Allah, so who created God? we’ll find out the answer later in the post.

So there are only four valid explanations of how the universe began to exist. Either,
1: It was created via nothing,
2: It created itself,
3: It was created by something else that was created, or
4: It was created by something else that was uncreated.

#1 [It was created via nothing] is illogical because it expects us to assume that something came from nothing. However, mathematics dictates that 0+0+0=0, not 3.
#2 [It created itself] implies that the universe was in existence and not in existence at the same time. This is a logically impossible. It is like asking, “Can your mother give birth to herself?”
#3 [It was created by something else that was created by something else] does not answer anything. In this case, we will keep asking the same question, “What created the thing that created the universe?” and “What created the thing that created the thing that created the universe?” and so on forever. This cycle will never end and will only lead us to the absurdity of an infinite regress. For example, let’s say in order for the current universe (universe 1) to happen, universe 2 had to happen, And in order for 2 to happen, 3 had to happen. Similarly, without 5 happening, 4 cannot happen, and without 6, 5 cannot happen. If this cycle goes on forever, 1 will never happen or come into existence because of the fact that infinity can never “happen”. Infinity does not exist in reality, but rather only exists as a thought. Infinity cannot be “completed” for us to start existing because infinity is forever. However, the fact is that we do exist. Thus, if the “infinity explanation” were correct, then we would not even exist yet because the infinity phase would not have ended yet in order for our phase to start existing. Therefore, our mere existence proves this explanation is not the correct one.
This means only explanation #4 [It was created by something that is uncreated] is the only valid explanation left. It does not run into the problems of #3 since there is a stop in the infinite regress of cause-effect with the introduction of a causeless cause. It also does not run into the problems of #2 or #1 because there is something else to cause the universe. Therefore, the only valid explanation of how the universe began to exist is that it was created by something that is uncreated. Now since we have this conclusion.

Let’s delve deeper into the qualities of this creator.

Now First, this creator (which is uncreated itself) must logically be eternal since it is uncreated. Second, it must be transcendence since it is outside the boundaries of the universe and space-time. Third, it must have a will since it chose to create a finite universe when previously it was living in timeless conditions. Choice indicates a will, which indicates it can have relationships with sentient beings. Fourth, it must be all-powerful since it created the concept of power. Fifth, it must be all-knowing since it created the natural laws of the universe and thus would know how they operate. Sixth, it must be ONE because according to Occam’s Razor theory, multiples would only complex the problem and raise further questions (such as how can multiple all-powerful beings co-exist? because multiple beings are equals to multiple choices and multiple wishes, so what if One wants to create a universe but the second one wants it not.) Since they both are all-power and all-knowing they can’t defeat each other and it’s irrational and illogical to even begin with because it will have no end at all. So that’s why there is no valid reason to believe in multiples and thus is unnecessary. Therefore, looking at all the qualities (Eternal, Transcendence, Will, All Powerful, All Knowing, and Absolute One) this thing must be a God and not Big Bang WHY? because Big Bang was a event and not a being, it wasn’t all-knowing, it wasn’t all-powerful or eternal either.

Well, that’s all for today. I will end this session with the conversation of Mr Ahmad Deedat and an Atheist: Once an Atheist asked “How would you feel if you died and discovered that the Hereafter was a lie”, Sir Ahmad Deedat replied “Not worse than when you die and discover that the Hereafter is the Truth”. May Allah (SWT) protect us from evil thoughts and guide us to the straight path, Ameen!

“And have the disbelievers not seen that the whole heavenly universe and the earth were (all) joined together as one unit and then We split them apart? And We originated (the life of) living organism (on earth) from water. So do they not accept faith (even after learning these facts brought forth by the Qur’an)?” — Quran 21:30

“How can you deny Allah whereas you were lifeless and He gave you life, then He will cause you to die and will again bring you back to life, and then to Him will you be returned?” — Quran 2:28

“(He is the One) Who spread out the earth for you as a floor, and erected the sky as a mansion, and showered water from the sky and brought forth with that (a variety of) fruits for your nourishment. So, do not set up equals with Allah while you know (the truth of the matter)” — Quran 2:22

“He is the One Who created for you all that is in the earth. Then He turned towards higher regions (of the universe) and perfected them into seven heavenly firmaments. And He has full knowledge of everything” Quran 2:29

“And they have taken (many other) gods apart from Allah so that they may be a source of honour for them”, “By no means! Soon will these (false gods themselves) reject their worship and become their enemies”, “Have you not seen that We have sent satans upon the disbelievers? They keep rousing them (against Islam) all the time”, “So do not make haste against them (for torment). We Ourselves keep counting days (for their catastrophe)” — Quran 19:81–84


