Aesthetic Record
1 min readApr 27, 2018
Luxury Med Spa Treatment Room

No one that’s ever run a thriving medical aesthetic practice will tell you it’s an easy prospect.

With most laws varying from state to state, there are always opportunists that play it fast and loose when it comes to ethics.

That being said, for the truly dedicated, there’s a growing demand for great work. You’ve probably heard it before, but it’s still worth repeating: The best practitioners are both artists and scientists.

An eye for proportion and the feel for depth and volume are something that comes with experience and above all else, solid, professional training. Even the most talented artists will fail miserably without a mentor that cares and is willing to nurture their growth.

Still, don’t be discouraged, even with the stiff competition and occasional negative media the “Botox Business” is thriving! Scout your location, research your demographic and invest in the digital tools that support your business plan and you can quickly outshine those naysayers.