Patch 0.46.10 — Aether: Trading Card Game

Aether Games
11 min readDec 21, 2023


Hello Adventurers!

It’s the final patch of the year, and the next update from us will arrive at the end of January 2024, complete with exciting gameplay changes and over 10 new mechanics. One eagerly anticipated feature is the ability to destroy opponent Relics. However, this patch still has some gifts in store for you…

Our first present is the introduction of the Referral System, designed to let existing players invite newcomers. Both parties can earn rewards by completing 10 Milestones within this system. At the end of Milestone 10, two exclusive cards await: the Legendary Card — The Tyrant, and the Rare Card — Earthweave Serpent. Offering a diverse range of abilities, these cards allow players to showcase their strategic prowess by selecting the ideal ability for each scenario. If complex champions excite you, then this addition is tailor-made for you!

To celebrate the holiday season we’re adding a Winterfest! Play 10 ranked matches and earn 500 AC. Winterfest will stay for 2 weeks. Stay tuned for other winter-themed activities going live this season!

We’re also implementing massive balance adjustments and introducing new mechanics, offering ample opportunities for learning and experimentation. Be sure to explore these changes.

Please note that the following changes are short-term solutions that should hopefully remedy some of the larger issues we’ve noticed while we continue to improve the system for the future.

Check out the full patch notes below, and we’ll see you in 2024. Thank you for all of your continued support this year. Aether TCG wouldn’t be where it is today without our fantastic community, and we’re excited to continue to serve you in 2024 and beyond!

Best, Aether Team

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Andre: Previously, when Andre used his AOE Shock ability, it affected opponents at the end of the ability rather than at the start as intended.
  • Fixed issues in Spanish and Russian localizations: This update addresses and corrects various translation errors in both the Spanish and Russian versions of the game.
  • Fixed issues with disconnects: We’ve resolved problems causing unexpected disconnects during gameplay, enhancing overall stability.
  • Fixed issues with the ‘Animate’ keyword: There were some inconsistencies with how the ‘Animate’ keyword functioned, which have now been rectified.
  • Fixed optimization issues: Improvements have been made to the game’s optimization, ensuring smoother performance across various devices.
  • Fixed issues with the in-game timer: We’ve corrected problems related to the in-game timer.
  • Fixed issues with login tokens: Users should now experience more reliable login sessions.
  • Fixed an issue with deckbuilder tooltips descriptions: This update resolves inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the tooltips within the deckbuilder, ensuring clearer and more accurate information is provided
  • Fixed an issue with some emotes: This update addresses and resolves problems related to certain emotes not functioning as intended.
  • Fixed an issue with some animations being slower than intended: This update corrects the speed of certain animations which were previously performing slower than designed, enhancing the overall fluidity and responsiveness of the game.
  • Fixed issues with memory leaks: This update addresses and resolves memory leak problems, improving the game’s performance and stability.
  • Enhanced overall stability and performance of the client: This update includes improvements that boost the client’s stability and performance, ensuring a smoother and more reliable gaming experience.


  • New Referral System. 10 Milestones with rewards both for Inviters and Invitees.
  • Winterfest is here! Play 10 Ranked matches for your reward. And there’s more! Be sure to keep an eye on other unique activities this season.

New Mechanics

New Keyword: Ironclad

  • Description: You can’t be forced to discard cards by your opponent.
  1. Aureon, like all Ethernals, completely ignores all protections, including Ironclad.
  2. You can still discard your cards yourself; Ironclad only protects against discards by opponents.

New Card: The Tyrant (Air, Troll)

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Attack: 8
  • Health: 8
  • Aether cost: 7
  • Ability: Inquisitor’s Dome. Spellbreak. Discipline. Can attack an additional time for each creature it kills. Resets every turn. Can’t target Adventurer.

New Card: Earthweave Serpent (Earth, Beast)

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Attack: 2
  • Health: 3
  • Aether cost: 5
  • Ability: Bloodlust. Discipline. Debut: Choose a creature on board. Summon a copy of it with 1 Health and Bloodlust.

Adventurer Changes

Frode Ragnulf

  • OLD: At the beginning of your turn, when you draw, you can choose one of the two cards and reshuffle it. Reshuffled card will be shuffled back into the bottom of the deck.
  • NEW: Regeneration 1. At the beginning of your turn, when you draw, you can choose one of the two cards and reshuffle it. Reshuffled card will be shuffled back into the bottom of the deck.

Enrico de Guerra

  • OLD: Your random creature gets +1/+1.
  • NEW: Your random creature gets +1/+1 and Rampage with Discipline. Same creature can’t be targeted again.

Princess Aurelia

  • OLD: Start of your Turn: increase the aether cost of one card in opponent’s hand by 1, up to a maximum of 2 times per card. The same card cannot be targeted again for 2 Rounds, as long as other cards are available in their hand.
  • NEW: Start of your Turn: increase the aether cost of one card in opponent’s hand by 2. The same card cannot be targeted again.

Isgerd Virðiligur

  • OLD: Activates a permanent ice barrier around herself that reduces all received damage by 1.
  • NEW: Activates a permanent ice barrier around herself that reduces all received damage by 1. Upon reaching the maximum Aether of 5, every turn, the first creature that damages her will fall asleep for 1 round.


  • OLD: End of your Turn: Deal 1 damage to your opponent for each Aether you didn’t spend, up to a maximum of 3.
  • NEW: Ironclad. End of your Turn: Deal 1 damage to your opponent for each Aether you didn’t spend, up to a maximum of 4.


  • OLD: Start of your Turn: decrease the aether cost of one card in your hand by 1, up to a maximum of 2 times per card. The same card cannot be targeted again for 3 rounds, as long as other cards are available in your hand.
  • NEW:
  • Start of your Turn: decrease the aether cost of one card in your hand by 1. The same card cannot be targeted again.

Ethernal Changes


  • OLD: Sends out a wave of water crashing into Enemies Silencing them. As the wave passes through, all creatures except for Water and Earth Creatures on the board become affected by Panic for 1 round.
  • NEW:
  • Sends out a wave of water crashing into Enemies Silencing them. As the wave passes through, all creatures except for Water, Thunder and Earth Creatures on the board become affected by Panic for 1 round.

Card Changes


  • Attack increased from 2 to 3

Fury of Fire

  • OLD: Reincarnation. Get +1/0 each time you cast a Spell card.
  • NEW: Reincarnation. Get +1/1 each time you cast a Spell card.

Siren’s Tear

  • OLD: Enigma. Summon 2 Decaying Souls OR All your creatures get +1/1
  • NEW: Enigma. Summon 3 Decaying Souls OR All your creatures get +1/1

Anger of Nature

  • HP increased from 7 to 9


  • Aether cost decreased from 4 to 3

The Roaming Mountain

  • OLD: Guardian. Fortitude. Feel No Pain.
  • NEW: Guardian. Fortitude. Feel No Pain. End of your Turn. Apply Sleep for 1 round to All creatures except for Earth creatures and himself every turn.


  • Attack decreased from 5 to 4
  • HP decreased from 5 to 4


  • Attack increased from 3 to 5

Thunder Maiden

  • Attack decreased from 5 to 3
  • HP decreased from 10 to 7
  • Aether cost decreased from 7 to 6
  • OLD: After your attack, deal 1 damage to a random opponent’s creature
  • NEW: After your attack, apply Shock to all opponent creatures

Waterborne Armor

  • HP increased from 2 to 3


  • HP increased from 7 to 9
  • OLD: End of your Turn: Deal 1 damage to all opponent’s creatures
  • NEW: End of your Turn: Deal 2 damage to all opponent’s creatures

Frost Raptor

  • OLD: Debut: Give your random creature Solace
  • NEW: Debut: Give your random creature Solace and Draw 1 Card

Flame Keeper

  • Aether cost decreased from 9 to 8


  • OLD: Discard 1 chosen card in hand. Draw 2 cards afterwards.
  • NEW: Discard 2 chosen cards in hand. Draw 2 cards afterwards.

Shroud of Chaos

  • Aether cost increased from 1 to 2
  • OLD: Give Twilight Cloak and Rampage to your creature
  • NEW: Give Twilight Cloak, Discipline and Supremacy to your creature

Bow of Punishment

  • Attack decreased from 4 to 3
  • OLD: Weapon. After killing a creature with your attack, force opponent to discard 1 card.
  • NEW: Weapon. Discipline. After killing a creature with your attack, force opponent to discard 1 card.

Flame Deceiver

  • Alpha Instinct.
  • Alpha Instinct. Debut: Choose opponent’s creature. If the target has Inquisitor’s Dome steal it.


  • Attack decreased from 2 to 0
  • HP increased from 2 to 4


  • Attack increased from 5 to 6

The Almighty

  • Attack decreased from 4 to 2

Risen Tide

  • OLD: Apply Inquisitor’s Dome to your creature
  • NEW: Apply Inquisitor’s Dome to your creature. Everyone else no longer have Inquisitor’s Dome.

Demonic Intent

  • Attack decreased from 6 to 3

Hollow Witch

  • OLD: Summon a self copy without abilities after killing an opponent’s creature.
  • NEW: Summon a self copy after killing an opponent’s creature.


  • Aether cost decreased from 3 to 2

Font of Life

  • OLD: Execute your random creature. Afterwards, Re-shuffle your hand
  • NEW: Re-shuffle your hand and Draw 1 card

Deathgate Hound

  • Attack increased from 3 to 4
  • Aether cost decreased from 8 to 7
  • OLD: Guardian. Rampage.
  • NEW: Re-shuffle your hand and Draw 1 card


  • Attack increased from 1 to 2
  • OLD: Guardian. Start of your turn: Draw 1 Card.
  • NEW: Guardian. Start of your turn: Draw 2 Cards.

Sand Wyvern

  • OLD: Draw 1 card whenever opponent plays a creature from hand.
  • NEW: Debut: Enigma. Apply Sleep to all creatures for 3 rounds; or Draw 2 cards

Living Weapon

  • HP decreased from 3 to 1

Death Maiden

  • Aether cost decreased from 5 to 4

Embodiment of Fury

  • Aether cost decreased from 3 to 1


  • Attack increased from 3 to 4
  • HP decreased from 2 to 1
  • Aether cost decreased from 5 to 4

Final Favor

  • Aether cost increased from 3 to 4

Fairy of Oblivion

  • Attack decreased from 6 to 1
  • HP decreased from 10 to 4
  • Aether cost decreased from 8 to 3
  • OLD: Start of your turn: Reanimate your random Common or Uncommon creature.
  • NEW: End of your turn: Reanimate your random Common or Uncommon creature and reduce it’s cost to 0.

Silent Death

  • Aether cost decreased from 6 to 5

Verdant Wyrm

  • Attack increased from 2 to 3
  • Aether cost decreased from 8 to 6

Holy Bulwark

  • HP decreased from 3 to 2
  • Aether cost increased from 2 to 3
  • OLD: Shield. End of your turn: your lowest health creature get Solace.
  • NEW: Shield. End of your turn: your random creature get Spellbreak.

Wrath of Ice

  • OLD: Fortitude. Apply Panic on Opponent’s creature whenever they are played.
  • NEW: Spellbreak. Apply Panic on Opponent’s creature whenever they are played.

Helm of Ethernal Might

  • Aether cost increased from 1 to 2
  • OLD: Helm. Give your Adventurer Solace.
  • NEW: Helm. While this Helmet is equipped, you have Ironclad.

Night Terror

  • OLD: End of your turn: If you are the only Demon on Board, Draw 1 Card
  • NEW: End of your turn: If you are the only Demon on Board, Draw 2 Cards

Warmhearted Dryad

  • OLD: End of your turn: Give your random creature +0/2. Heal your Adventurer by 3.
  • NEW: End of your turn: Give your random creature +0/2. Heal your Adventurer by 2.

Call of Lost Worlds

  • Aether cost increased from 3 to 4
  • OLD: Shield. Your adventurer get Guardian, Feel no Pain and Fortitude.
  • NEW: Shield. Your adventurer get Guardian and Feel no Pain

Thunder Monarch

  • OLD: Rampage. Start of your turn: Re-shuffle opponent hand.
  • NEW: Rampage. Debut: Apply Shock to opponent Adventurer for 2 rounds.


  • Aether cost decreased from 4 to 3

Permafrost trap

  • Aether cost decreased from 3 to 2

Lady Agony

  • OLD: Debut: Execute all creatures with health equal to or less than 4, excluding Demons.
  • NEW: Debut: Execute all creatures with health equal to or less than 4

Harbinger of Doom

  • OLD: Supremacy. Whirlwind. After attacking a creature, recover 1 Aether.
  • NEW: Supremacy. Whirlwind. After attacking a creature, recover 2 Aether.

Dread Stalker

  • Aether cost decreased from 4 to 3
  • OLD: Bloodlust. Debut: Give all your Demons and Beasts +1/0.
  • NEW: Bloodlust. If your opponent has used a spell or a relic, give all your Demons and Beasts +1/2.


  • Aether cost decreased from 4 to 3
  • OLD: Debut: Silence opponent Adventurer Ability for 2 rounds. Requiem: Apply Panic on random opponent creature
  • NEW: Debut: Silence opponent Adventurer Ability for 3 rounds. Requiem: Apply Panic on random opponent creature


  • HP increased from 7 to 11
  • OLD: Feel No Pain. Requiem: Apply Panic to All opponent’s creatures
  • NEW: Feel No Pain. If your opponent has used a relic or a spell, summon 2 Abomination

The Wanderer

  • Aether cost decreased from 4 to 3

Star Shatterer

  • OLD: Guardian. Fortitude. Feel No Pain. Each time you attack, give all your creatures Discipline until end of the turn
  • NEW: Guardian. Inquisitor’s Dome. Fortitude. Feel No Pain. Each time you attack, give all your creatures Discipline until end of the turn


  • OLD: Bloodlust. Life Drain. Whenever you attack opponent’s Dragon, Silence all opponent’s creatures. If Dragon died, Execute 1 random opponent damaged creature
  • NEW: Bloodlust. Whenever you attack opponent’s Dragon, Silence all opponent’s creatures. If Dragon died, Execute 1 random opponent damaged creature

Awoken Horror

  • Attack decreased from 4 to 3
  • HP decreased from 11 to 10
  • OLD: Debut: Execute a random opponent creature. Aura: give all your dragons +1/+2
  • NEW: Debut: Execute a random damaged opponent creature. Aura: give all your dragons +1/+1


  • Aether cost increased from 5 to 6


  • HP increased from 5 to 8
  • OLD:Debut: Deal 2 damage to a random opponent creature. Aura: give all your creatures Reflect.
  • NEW: Regeneration 5. Debut: Deal 2 damage to a random opponent creature. Aura: give all your creatures Reflect.


  • Attack decreased from 6 to 4


  • HP increased from 2 to 3
  • OLD: Fortitude. Debut: Set the Attack for all creatures to 2.
  • NEW: Fortitude. Feel no Pain. Debut: Set the Attack for all creatures to 2.


  • Aether cost decreased from 9 to 8

Obsidian Shine

  • OLD: Guardian. End of your turn: Execute All creatures except for himself every turn.
  • NEW: End of your turn: Execute All creatures except for Beasts and himself every turn.

Infernal Sovereign

  • OLD: Guardian. Debut: Enigma. Summon Silent Death and Soothsayer. OR Heal both Adventurers for 15 health.
  • NEW: Debut: Enigma. Summon Silent Death and Soothsayer. OR Heal both Adventurers for 15 health.


  • OLD: Debut: Illusion. Aura: give all your Dragons, Beasts and Fairies Inquisitor’s Dome.
  • NEW: Reflect all incoming damage to a random opponent’s creature. Aura: give Spellbreak to all your Dragons except himself

Wilderness Overseer

  • Attack decreased from 5 to 2
  • Aether cost decreased from 7 to 6
  • OLD: Debut: Silence target. Start of your turn: Random opponent creature get silenced.
  • NEW: Debut: Silence target. Start of your turn: Summon any random creature with 5 aether cost or more. Give it Bloodlust.


  • OLD: Supremacy. Feel no Pain. After killing a creature, force opponent to discard 1 card.
  • NEW: Supremacy. Feel no Pain. After killing a creature, summon a self copy without abilities.

Frost Reaper

  • HP increased from 5 to 6
  • OLD: Debut: Execute opponent’s creature with a health equal or lower than 3. End of your turn: Apply Shock to a 2 random opponent creatures.
  • NEW: Reflect all incoming damage to the opponent’s adventurer. Requiem: all your creatures get Discipline and +1/1.


  • Attack increased from 2 to 5


  • OLD: Guardian. After opponent’s creature dies, get +0/1
  • NEW: Guardian. After opponent’s creature dies, get +0/1. Requiem: If dies by a Spell or a Relic, summon a Copy without abilities


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Aether Games

Aether Games is a unique and immersive venture of bringing an undeniable level of graphics and artistic excellence into the world of Blockchain and NFTs.