Why Our Startup Uses Discord (and not Slack)

Ardent United
Ardent United
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2017

This article was not requested by Discord and we were not compensated in any way.

Bigger rivalry than Warriors vs Cavs

At Ardent United, we’re building a crowdpowered (a.k.a crowdfunded and crowd governed) esports team. Because of our unique nature, it is very important that we can connect with our supporters.

When you visit our website, you may notice that we are missing a staple of startups: Slack. This is because we have opted to use Discord instead of Slack.

Discord is an app that is available on all major platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. Created for gamers, we hope to introduce Discord into the world of business as well. Discord and Slack have many similarities, but Discord is the superior tool. Discord has voice channels, which allows us to easily chat with our supporters and other team members. Discord also allows us to set user roles and permissions which makes moderation extremely simple. While Slack has more business integrations, Discord is catching up with many community made bots (Discord has a great developer community). Because we are targeting a gaming demographic, it is important that our communication software does not take up a large amount of memory. Slack is a large memory hog, but Discord is relatively lightweight. (These usage stats were not scientifically recorded so they may be inaccurate or completely irrelevant. It looks cool though. Also, I’m on 30 Discord Servers and 9 Slack Servers.)

Memory Usage of Various Apps
Background Memory Usage of Slack
Background Memory Usage of Discord

Finally, Discord’s support service is amazing. Discord staff is extremely active on Reddit, Twitter, and email. If you’re interested in our project but don’t know how to use Discord, there’s no reason to be discouraged. The registration process is easy and the site is available on the web as well, no download required! Click this link and accept the invitation to join. At least one of our staff members are always available to chat or to answer any questions. Feel free to hop in to talk (or use our music bot :D).

See you soon!

Website: www.ardentunited.com

Twitter: @ArdentUnited

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ardentunited

Discord: http://discord.me/aun

Credit for some comparisons go to /u/Tommyfoxy2

