Promising Kick-off!

succesful pilot of 100 DAYS OF LEARNING

Age of Wonderland
3 min readMay 16, 2017

Thought-provoking, life changing, unconventional. These are just a few words that come from the participants of the first (pilot) Days of Learning, which dealt merely on how to foster inspiration, trust and (un)learning. Take this one, coming from Hivos East Africa’s Junior Programme Officer for Freedom of Expression, Sylvia Musalagani: “My biggest win from this gathering has been regaining the desire to revolutionalise my career from broken dots of inspiration.”

From 10–19 February 2017, a pilot for 100 DAYS OF LEARNING took place far away from the Netherlands, the home base of Age of Wonderland. For the kick-off of the 100 DAYS OF LEARNING project our team members Arne Hendriks and Christine Wagner flew to East Africa for two days in Dar es Salaam(Tanzania) and two days in Nairobi (Kenia). Their mission: Exploring on how Age of Wonderland’s can share knowledge and experiences of different people and show us new ways of learning and engaging in global social innovation.

The very first Day of Learning was organised with the Thinkers Tech team of former Age of Wonderland fellow Ng’winula ‘Unu’ Kingamkono together with other creatives, among them also former fellow Ahad Katera. During this session Unu read out a touching letter to his learning brother, in which he shared “not a lesson rather a walk down unknown journey of unconscious studies.”

at Thinkers Tech at Dar es Salaam

The second DAY OF LEARNING was with Guavay Start Up team of Katera together with other creatives. Aneth David (Assistant Lecturer at University of Dar es Salaam on Biotechnology and Bioinformatics) gave us a great testimonial. “It was a very provoking in-depth life knowledge (not academic or technical) and wisdom sharing experience.” Read more in this blog for Javii Forums on the well known and well read Fikra Pevu platform.

at Guavay in Dar es Salaam

Next stop was Nairobi, Kenia, where the Hivos Hub East Africa was visited. Regional Communications Officer Sally Akinyi The staff wrote a nice article on this “first-of-a-kind forum”, that was “novel in that it enabled staff to access different parts of their hearts and minds, generate curiosity and listen to each other’s stories.”

We closed off with a wonderful day at Creative Garage in Nairobi.

Hivos East Africa office in Nairobi
Hivos East Africa office in Nairobi
at Creative Garage in Nairobi
at Creative Garage in Nairobi

