What You Do, Matters

Karen Putz
2 min readJan 20, 2016


Three years ago, I stood on stage at an Expo in Chicago and talked about passion. I’ve been doing that for several years now and my business is based on that topic.

Tonight, when I arrived home, I found this message posted on Facebook:

“You know… As I sat during one of your presentation — follow your passion in 2013 — I decided to go for it by going back to school — earned myself a couple of awards from the school. And recently won best deaf photography with deaf life — all because I followed my passion. Thanks!”

I remember leaving the stage that day wondering if I even had an impact on anyone. The audience was pretty quiet — I suppose a lot of that had to be due to the fact that they were deaf…but still, I wondered.

Three years later, I have the answer — that yes, the words I shared on stage did indeed impact someone’s life.

It’s a great feeling. It’s the “why” of what I do.

Six years ago, I unwrapped a long-buried passion of my own (barefoot water skiing) and took the sport up again at the age of 44. Since then, I’ve made it my mission to help others create passionate lives.

Life is too damn short to live in mediocrity.

The thing is, what we say and what we do, matters. How we move through life creates a ripple that reverberates through others.

Even when you think you might not be making an impact, you’re sending ripples out in the world.

Ripple on. What you do, matters.

Want more passion? Head on over to Ageless Passions.

Inspired by the graphic? There’s more at Ageless Passions Instagram.



Karen Putz

The Passion Mentor. I help people unwrap their passions at any age and kick mediocrity to the curb. Featured on the Today Show and in O magazine.